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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

In the opening issues of the current volume of Marvel's "Avengers," writer Jonathan Hickman embraced the core concept of the team being "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" by expanding their ranks to 18 members, adding characters like the Hulk, Hyperion and Captain Universe to its roster. And because powerful heroes need powerful challenges, the Avengers are currently tackling a crisis so huge, they're not even aware of its full scope -- or that there are other heroes investigating it at the same time.

The secretive super hero brain trust known as the Illuminati, re-formed in the debut issue of Hickman's "New Avengers," are also tackling the universe-level threat, albeit from a different and, at this point, seemingly unconnected angle. This August, Hickman will escalate the challenges faced by both groups to such a degree that the entire Marvel Universe will get involved when the writer kicks off "Infinity." We spoke with him about all three books.

The most obvious connection between "Avengers" and "New Avengers" is the character of Tony Stark. As a member of the Avengers, he's been helping the newly-expanded team investigate incidents where attempts to evolve and create new life on Earth have gone awry. In "New Avengers," Stark and his fellow Illuminati members have been trying to prevent an "incursion" from occurring on our Earth -- an event which happens when two Earths from different realities begin to occupy the same space, resulting with the destruction of one of those Earths.

"I think Tony Stark is a futurist and a pragmatist, a builder and an engineer. He's looking for practical solutions to real problems. Almost everything he's doing in 'New Avengers' and 'Avengers is trying to manufacture ways to deal with all this stuff that's going on. And while the Illuminati in 'New Avengers' aren't a team in the normal sense of the word, he is working with other very smart people to try and solve an impossible problem," Hickman told CBR News. "Then, in 'Avengers,' he's set up this unbelievably powerful organization run by the one guy he trusts more than anything -- except when it comes to end of the world, 'Illuminati' scenarios, obviously. Captain America runs this super hero team that, at first glance, could basically mop the floor with everyone. But the dangers and the conflicts that the Avengers encounter are about to increase in scale, and we're going to see that Tony and Steve have built an Avengers team for the times. They're going to have to rise up and be what they need to be. They are built to handle those kinds of threats, while the 'New Avengers' are tackling the even greater threats going on in that book."

And while the missions the "Avengers" and "New Avengers" have been dealing with may seem unrelated at first glance, Hickman has begun seeding clues to show that two crises are indeed interconnected. In "Avengers" #4, readers learned through a flashback sequence that an incursion event destroyed the home world of team member, Hyperion. Then, in "Avengers" #8, the being known as Nightmask spoke about problems with systems and conflicts, leading to the theory that there's a problem with the life cycle of the multiverse. "Avengers" readers are seeing how that problem manifests when it comes to the creation and evolution of life, and in "New Avengers" they are seeing it manifest in the destruction of worlds via incursion events.

"That's a fair take on what's happening," Hickman confirmed. "Then, of course, it's all building towards those things smashing together at some point. They can't coexist. The end scenario for both of them can't be correct."

Another common thread between "Avengers" and "New Avengers" is that both stories are mysteries, in that both the characters and readers are unaware of the party or parties responsible for the multiverse's problems. "We'll get more information about the character of Black Swan [who tipped the Black Panther and the Illuminati to the incursion event problem back in 'New Avengers' #1] and her experiences with multiple incursions. We got a little bit of that in "New Avengers" #5," Hickman said. "We won't find out what is causing all this for a while, however. That's the big mystery we're headed towards."

While he's been setting up his multiverse-sized puzzle, Hickman has also been introducing some fun, new concepts to the Marvel Universe. A recent storyline in "Avengers" brought back the character archetypes of Nightmask and the Starbrand, which were created in the '80s for Marvel's "New Universe" line of comics and then redefined by writer Warren Ellis in 2006 in the series "New Universal."

"Up to this point, everything we've done in 'Avengers' and 'New Avengers' has really been constrained and confined to the Marvel Universe proper. However, that's not going to continue to be the case," Hickman said. "I was always going to bring in other universes and all the other toys, and I thought that Warren Ellis had a really elegant device that he came up with in 'New Universal,' which fit in perfectly into this bigger device that I had made. Plus, I've always liked those characters, especially the Starbrand. So I took the opportunity to use them."

The Avengers aren't the only ones who have noticed things are going awry with the creation and evolution of life on Earth. The villainous mad scientist group known as Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.), an organization Hickman revived and re-empowered at the end of his "Fantastic Four" and "FF" run by turning them into a sovereign nation, has also gleaned onto the truth that strange things are happening.

"I think they're great villains, but I also think that nameless, faceless groups of bad guys like HYDRA and A.I.M. need leadership. They need characters that are running the show and what not. You're going to see a good bit of that in 'Secret Avengers,' a book that Nick Spencer is writing," Hickman said. "I think there's something interesting going on there, and the fact that they're evil super scientists falls into what we're doing in 'Avengers' as well."

In addition to its role in "Secret Avengers," A.I.M. continues to have a presence in "Avengers," especially since Nick Spencer will begin co-writing the series with Hickman starting in May.

"The shipping schedule of a bi-weekly book while you're doing another monthly book is a lot, and we always knew it was going to be a significant workload. What we didn't know was that I was also going to get drafted into writing the event for the summer. So we all looked around and said, 'We don't know if this doable.' That quickly became apparent when I was having a month where I had to write for five, six and even seven artists," Hickman said with a laugh. "You can't do that. I needed to bring in some help, and Nick is a good friend. He's doing a really bang-up job and the book is back on schedule."

Beyond the cosmic events and mysteries, Hickman's "Avengers" run has also been about exploring the title's large cast of characters, especially those who don't appear in other books. Past issues have put the spotlight on characters like the human Imperial Guard member known as Smasher, and May's issue #11 is a story about the adventure Shang-Chi and several of his teammates get into while on a mission in China.

That issue is followed by a two-part tale focusing on the activities of several team members in the Savage Land before he and Spencer begin the countdown to "Infinity" with an arc titled "The Signal," a prelude to the late-summer event. "It's a four-issue arc that runs through issues #14-17, and serves as a ramp up to what happens in 'Infinity,'" the writer said. "It's where we put all the pieces together that we've spread out before you in previous issues and tie it up into one little bow and say, 'All of that meant this and led to this. Now: Take a look at what's getting ready to happen!'"

With "The Signal" and the stories that follow, Hickman plans to give readers a better sense of the purpose and mission statement of the "Avengers" while escalating the book's pace. "We haven't really clued people into what the point of 'Avengers' is. I suppose you could make an argument that we we've done a 12-issue prelude to the stuff that's going to happen," Hickman said with a laugh. "Maybe I shouldn't have done it that way, but I'm happy with the work. I think we've turned in a lot of cool issues and done some neat stuff, but probably the velocity and 'mission statement' will ramp up very soon. I think when people see 'Infinity,' understand what it is, where we're going from there, people will understand why we took all this time to do these little seemingly disconnected and open-ended stories."


May 7, 2012
Alright in an earlier issue of All New Xmen Captain America came with the avengers to the Jean Grey school and yelled at beast for not letting them know he brought the younger Xmen to the future. Now at the end of this issue, Captain America comes with the Uncanny Avengers. Are these two different Captain Americas or something? It makes no sense to me.
Why did angel join up with cyke?
Superior Spider-Man :beli:
What happened when the avengers confronted ock ?
He showed up recently in issue #6 of Gambit's new series........

Really ? What is his status ? Is he still a mutant Constantine ?

Jack Martinez

Sep 25, 2012
I hope they let tha Avengers beat tha X-Men into tha ground and make em'

into complete outcasts like in tha Ultimate universe. Tha X-Men need a


Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
He passed their computer tests and when Peter took over and drew a message Black Widow thought he was just trying to draw a Spider.

I loved how Ock was like "thankfully only the dumber Avengers were here to run the tests and thy were too stupid to notice anything being out of line".

Anyone check out Ten Grand #1 ?
That shyt looks like it is going to be really good based off the first is about time J. Michael Straczynski returned to creator owned stuff because I wasn't feeling his work for Marvel and DC.


May 7, 2012
I loved how Ock was like "thankfully only the dumber Avengers were here to run the tests and thy were too stupid to notice anything being out of line".

Anyone check out Ten Grand #1 ?
That shyt looks like it is going to be really good based off the first is about time J. Michael Straczynski returned to creator owned stuff because I wasn't feeling his work for Marvel and DC.

What was his reasoning for his behavior change :rudy:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

Yesterday, we spoke with writer Jonathan Hickman about his current role heading up Marvel's Avengers franchise, writing both "Avengers" and "New Avengers." We covered a lot of ground, looking at the character development and threat building he's done over the course of a dozen and a half issues, but as Hickman himself admits, the other, cosmic-sized shoe has yet to drop on Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the form of August's event miniseries, "Infinity." Today, we dive further into the road that lies ahead for Marvel's Illuminati, while also taking a look at the origins for the first solo event the writer has crafted for the House of Ideas.

While the mission statement in "Avengers" has been somewhat mysterious from day one, the heroes' task in "New Avengers" has remained crystal clear from the get go: prevent the destruction of the planet. And in order to accomplish their mission of saving the Earth from the apocalyptic destruction that accompanies an incursion (an event which happens when two Earths from different realities begin to occupy the same space), the Illuminati welcomed a new member into their ranks early on in the form of the Hank McCoy, aka Beast, who took the place of his deceased mentor Charles Xavier.

"I think he's intellectually capable of standing with the other guys," Hickman said. "I think the history of the character lends itself to the darker tone as well as the grander thematic story that we're telling, which involves the deaths of worlds. That's part of the character's history. He also, of course, represents the mutant perspective, but I also think he represents what Charles was on the team, which is why we introduced him in the way we did; always hopeful, believing that there's more strength in unity, and that together they can overcome anything. We'll see if that perspective works out."

The Beast joining the team meant he could bring to bear the Infinity Gem that Professor Xavier had willed to him. In "New Avengers" #3, the gem was joined with the ones wielded by the other Illuminati members to recreate a weapon they hoped would end the threat of an incursion forever, the Infinity Gauntlet. Unfortunately, the Gauntlet merely bought the Illuminati a brief respite before the gems powering it shattered. The repercussions of their destruction will soon ripple out from "New Avengers" and be felt all across the Marvel Universe, especially during "Infinity."

"I don't think Thanos is going to be very happy that they're gone. I imagine that will bum him out a bit," Hickman laughed. "Plus, the first arc of 'New Avengers' is a bunch of different things, including a deconstruction of all the simple solutions we'd see in a scenario like this. It's like, 'We've got a huge problem involving a planet. What are we going to do?' If you've been reading Marvel comics for the last 20 years, you know that this will involve the Infinity Gems, or Galactus, or some other, well-known elements. You're seeing, though, that none of the normal solutions we've been presented with are going to suffice. At all. We not only need new ideas, we need bigger ideas. And, perhaps, we may need help."

The loss of the Infinity Gems left the Illuminati desperate for a solution to the incursion event, a situation that did not sit well with Captain America, who was unwilling to even consider some of the more morally complex solutions the team might come up with. Cap's inability to compromise led to his removal from the team; a decision the other Illuminati members do not regret. But Cap's warning about compromising themselves to save the world will come back to haunt them.

"These aren't a bunch of guys that sit around whining about the consequences of decisions that they have made. That's not who these characters are. They're way more proactive than that in general, and specifically, in regard to a couple of them, once they make a decision, it's go time. They never look back again," Hickman said. "They did something that they had to do, and the consequences of that will, of course, be raised and come back up again. I don't think I was subtle in foreshadowing the fact that stuff is going to come back and matter. Even if it did bother some of the Illuminati, I don't think they've had any time to really dwell on it. Worlds are ending, shyt is going down."

In "New Avengers" #5, the team deals with their latest end of the world scenario as they tangle with Galactus and Terrax the Tamer while trying to escape an alternate Earth which happens to be in the middle of an incursion event. "Once again, things look grim and we'll see how they handle them," Hickman said. "Also, as I mentioned earlier, we get a little bit of the backstory of Black Swan in this issue. We'll find out who she is and where she comes from. Then, we'll learn a little bit more about the mechanics of how all of this is going to work. We're dangling over the edge of the rabbit hole."

The first arc of "New Avengers" comes to a close with issue #6, followed with a story that look at the bonds and schisms between the individual team members like the Black Panther and Namor, whose respective nations are at war with each other. "I think it's fair to say that Namor is the least liked person in the room, but he's perfectly fine with that. He doesn't care. He doesn't need, nor want, nor desire the approval of his fellow Illuminati. He's there because the world is ending and he wants to save his people and save himself, which is a fair goal and one that he shares intimately with Black Panther," Hickman remarked. "Namor and the Black Panther want identical things. It's just that they hate each other and their nations are at war with one another."

The "New Avengers" current quest is to save the Earth from destruction, and when "Infinity" begins in August, it simply adds more levels of complexity to their task. "'Infinity' is really a two-part story. Half of it takes place in the Marvel Universe; the other half takes place on Earth," Hickman explained. "It's bigger than that, but in terms related to Avengers, the Universe stuff is an Avengers story. The Earth stuff is an Illuminati story."

The Illuminati portions of "Infinity" will unfold in the six issues and two book ends of the main series, as well as a four-issue tie-in arc of "New Avengers." Meanwhile, the "Avengers" portions of the story take place in the "Infinity" miniseries and a six issue tie-in arc.

"I've joked around that this is could be like a 'Choose Your Own Event,' because you can read whichever bits of it you want and they all intersect. We don't repeat anything, but they all follow different characters on different journeys," Hickman explained. "If you just want to read the Space Opera elements, you can just get the Space Opera issues. If you just want the Thanos stuff, you can just read the Thanos stuff. It's a really cool structure."

Writing "Infinity" alongside his two other Avengers books is keeping Hickman extremely busy. He loves the work, though, and is thoroughly enjoying the experience of helming his first big, solo Marvel event.

"We were at a Marvel retreat and we were going back and forth about what Marvel was looking for. These things happen a bunch of different ways. Sometimes they're completely planned like 'Secret Invasion' was. Brian was always building towards that. It was always going to happen; it was just going to be an Avengers story, but it was big enough that it became a huge Marvel event," Hickman explained. "Then there are stories where it's more like the company would like to do certain things. For instance, the 'Avengers' movie came out and people are crazy about Thanos right now because of the way the movie ended. All of that stuff is selling real well. So the question then becomes, do we have a good Thanos story?

"We passed that around the room. At the same time, Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi are doing their 'Thanos Rising' miniseries, which is kind of a lead-up. So everybody was kicking stuff around and I was keeping my mouth shut because I had plenty of work to do. I started to pipe up, though, the more they talked about it. I told them what I thought would and would not work. Then, Tom Brevoort said that I should probably do the story. We took a little break and then we came back and I pitched what I would do. Everybody liked it, and we were off to the races.

"I've said this before in other places, but working at Marvel is like signing up for Selective Service. Sometimes you get drafted to go fight a land war in Asia," Hickman joked. "The goal here, though, is to win. Again, the story is a lot of fun. I'm excited about it. I'm really, really proud of what I came up."

For Hickman another fun element of working at Marvel is the chance to collaborate with a number of talented artists. His current assignments on "Avengers," "New Avengers," and "Infinity" have paired him with some of the company's biggest names and some of their fastest rising stars.

"Right now, Mike Deodato is doing four issues of 'Avengers.' Then Stefano Caselli is going to come on and do the ramp up to 'Infinity.' He'll be followed by Leinil Yu, who will do all six issues of the 'Avengers' arc that ties in to 'Infinity.' Then, Mike will go over to 'New Avengers,'" Hickman explained. "And 'Infinity' is being brought to life by Dustin Weaver, Jerome Opena and Jim Cheung.

"Hey -- worst case scenario, we can count on the books being beautiful!"


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Jason Aaron need to start stepping it up..he's getting kind of lackluster. I haven't read that Thor stuff though and I hear that 's good.

KiD WavE

All Star
Jun 9, 2012
Southeast Ohio
so I have never been a comic person ... not that I didnt like them its just no one from where I live fukked with them when I was a kid so I never got into them ...

Ive read a few times online that Invincible is really good so I gave it a shot

:whoo: Ive seriously missed out Im on 12 or 13 and this shyt is gold

right now reading it on my ipad but am thinking about buying 14-24 on amazon through the ultimate collection thing ... its only 20$ .. is the experience better on paper than Ipad ?