Quick. tell me what DC books have the best arcs going on right now. i want to get into DC a little although it usually bores the shyt out of me.
The Justice League books (Justice League, Justice League of America and Justice League Dark) are gearing up for their major summer story, Trinity War.
And Earth 2 has been great...it is a reimagining of the old Justice Society characters but the writer is building the universe from the ground up so you really don't need to know much of what came before.
Aquaman is gearing up for a pretty cool arc with people scheming to take Aquamans crown.
Batman (the Zero Year arc is starting that focuses on Batman's early days as a costumed vigilante) and Batman & Robin (Batman is dealing with his son's death and a new Robin is going to be coming) are really good now.
Wonder Woman is cool too with one of Zeus' b*stards coming back to wreck shop and a lot of stuff with The New Gods too.