I hear all that but it just seems like she's a side piece.
Whatever their original intentions may have been... she
is just his side piece now.
- Jean Grey
- Cyclops (
- At least one of them asian broads
- Storm
That's about the hierarchy.
Tiresome or not, Jean is his end game... they will literally have him fukk all the women in Marvel and be "in love" with a few of those vaginas (until the next writer) but all the broads know they just buying time until the red head returns, Storm included.
Which is why the BP/Storm ish annoys me even more. So many interesting female heroes to pair with BP but in the years he's not with Storm the nygga just asexual (because writers
LAZY and 'cism), whereas Spidey, Wolverine, DD, Cyke, and every other heterosexual white male character gets to switch it up or flat out stumbles into p*ssy for no damn reason.
They took ol goody two-shoes "MJ I love you

" Peter Parker and created an asian female spider character (Silk) whose sole purpose was to make Peter horny and fukk him twice a day

. And then they threw her to bushes where agents of atlas washed her off.
But fuk that shyt, i want BP to have 3-4 viable love interests established, 1-2 Wakandan, the other 1-2 superheroes/royalty, just to switch it up and stop any new black writer from going "well, i don't really no BP but i know he was married to Storm so i guess i'll stick with what i know
