aka thejackroller, Jack Brannigan, Jack Birdbath
Finally catching up with The Dreaming. On issue 14. That demon's response to Dora after she won was perfect. 

Hickman made Coates break up storm and t’challa![]()
Speaking of; is it okay to read Black Panther again?
I stopped at the beginning with the lesbian defectors/T'Challa is a horrible king angle started at like issue 9 of Coates' run
intergalactic empire of wakanda has more tchalla styling, still self reflective but not to much in my opinion compared to his first try
Recently? Why?Hickman made Coates break up storm and t’challa![]()
Recently? Why?
Well I'm dropping comics by white people. And comics owned by white companies.told t’challa she gotta go rock with the x-men but she still loves him or something in the last bp issue
Well I'm dropping comics by white people. And comics owned by white companies.
Meh.he still got movie nakia who they introduced in this bp volume.
I hate the pairing. It's stupid synergy for a relationship I still don't get why Coogler didhe still got movie nakia who they introduced in this bp volume.