Essential The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread [Support @Neuromancer’s book!]


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets

Katana Mini-Review

I recently found most of the books from this 10 issue run in the 50 cent box. I'm not really a fan of Katana, but I've had an interest in her. I'm into the Samurai stuff, so why not? The series takes her to a place called Japantown in San Francisco. Why are Asians always in Frisco when it comes to pop culture? I know they have history, but come on. :mjpls:

Some Batman rogues appear including Creeper. The New 52 version of him has the character as a demon that's trapped in her sword, the Soultaker. Aside from battling demons, Katana takes on 2 clan gangs throughout the series. A few other key things happen that I won't spoil. One story has her traveling to Japan to fix a problem.

The New 52 Katana is basically inexperienced, at least in this book. There are times where she gets sonned due to it. In the end she improves, but not what she's capable of being.

It was an enjoyable read. For the most part the art wasn't good. It wasn't too bad where I cringed looking at it. Still, it could've been better. The series finishes without tying up loose ends; I'm not sure if they were even tied up.

Verdict: 3.25/5
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pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
Which X-books are people picking up?

I'm definitely gonna get the main book and maybe 1-2 others, but i'm not sure which. The rest I'll trade wait or wait till they hit Marvel Unlimited.

Like with any reboot, I don't want to buy everything right out the gate because at least 25% of them are sure to get cancelled.

X-Men and Marauders for sure as the revealed at NYCC that the latter is gonna be an important book. Considering the potential fukkery and how much Chuck and Eric trust Emma, it's bound to throw a curve ball here or there. Maybe Emma is the one that causes everything to go to shyt and not Mystique :pachaha:

Hickman is writing the first arc of New Mutants so I'll probably check that one out.

The rest are getting downloaded :mjgrin:
May 16, 2012
Which X-books are people picking up?

I'm definitely gonna get the main book and maybe 1-2 others, but i'm not sure which. The rest I'll trade wait or wait till they hit Marvel Unlimited.

Like with any reboot, I don't want to buy everything right out the gate because at least 25% of them are sure to get cancelled.
Marauders, New Mutants, maybe X-force and the main X-Men title


May 26, 2012
Which X-books are people picking up?

I'm definitely gonna get the main book and maybe 1-2 others, but i'm not sure which. The rest I'll trade wait or wait till they hit Marvel Unlimited.

Like with any reboot, I don't want to buy everything right out the gate because at least 25% of them are sure to get cancelled.

all of 'em to start. i want to see if the narrative threads continue to tie all the different stories together, which we saw in HoX and PoX (and which is pretty much a signature of any project Hickman oversees). and i think the fact that he's already having convos with other writers (like Al Ewing) and teasing that he and Pepe are \working on another X-project means some of these books have set life cycles that give way to other books.

that said, i'm sure some will pique my curiousity more than others, and i'll probably end up dropping one or two altogether.

also... after reading all twelve issues again, a few thoughts:
  • rasputin, xorn, cardinal and (possibly) the far-future version of omega sentinel are definitely still alive. it's the same principle behind the reason the librarian wanted to keep moira alive until after ascension -- doing so would place him in a black hole, outside of time (and allow the collective to keep tabs on her remaining lives). rasputin placed that entire group in a black hole; now it's just a matter of how they get out.
  • speaking of... i dont think we've seen the last of the far-future phalanx. the librarian originally uploaded some component of his consciousness into the worldmind, which the phalanx absorbed. if that component knows about moira, then the phalanx already knows she's a threat. so really, she was only able to prevent the ascension of the post-humans in her sixth life; an even bigger reckoning then the one she was already fighting to prevent could be on the horizon because of her meddling. in her own way, she's as much at fault as charles and eric.
  • that said.. it needs to be said again: charles and eric are fukking idiots. so much so that i refuse to believe moira doesn't have contingencies for removing them from the board should they get too far out of pocket. she has to know she can't rely on them to carry her vision through in full.
  • saw this mentioned elsewhere, but it's crazy how hickman has evolved the mutant/minority metaphor beyond the typical persecution, Martin & Malcolm tropes, and is now speaking to the adaptation/whitewashing of culture. they can't win because the broader society takes gifts that were developed organically, commoditizes them, and then excludes them from benefitting off of what was theirs to begin with. morrison was playing off of this too with the u-men and Sublime. but moira's resurrection engine gives hickman's take a bleaker, more worldly scale.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Which X-books are people picking up?

I'm definitely gonna get the main book and maybe 1-2 others, but i'm not sure which. The rest I'll trade wait or wait till they hit Marvel Unlimited.

Like with any reboot, I don't want to buy everything right out the gate because at least 25% of them are sure to get cancelled.
I’m gonna give them all 1 issue at least. The only one I’m really anticipating is the main X-Men title.

Conceptually I’m not feeling these random ass teams of villains and heroes thrown together (Apocalypse in Excalibur and not even leading it wtf?).

I’ll give them all a shot though.


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
Anyone read joker/Harley criminal sanity? Are they just gonna gloss over the fact that batman had a hand in killing that kids mom?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
all of 'em to start. i want to see if the narrative threads continue to tie all the different stories together, which we saw in HoX and PoX (and which is pretty much a signature of any project Hickman oversees). and i think the fact that he's already having convos with other writers (like Al Ewing) and teasing that he and Pepe are \working on another X-project means some of these books have set life cycles that give way to other books.

that said, i'm sure some will pique my curiousity more than others, and i'll probably end up dropping one or two altogether.

also... after reading all twelve issues again, a few thoughts:
  • rasputin, xorn, cardinal and (possibly) the far-future version of omega sentinel are definitely still alive. it's the same principle behind the reason the librarian wanted to keep moira alive until after ascension -- doing so would place him in a black hole, outside of time (and allow the collective to keep tabs on her remaining lives). rasputin placed that entire group in a black hole; now it's just a matter of how they get out.
  • speaking of... i dont think we've seen the last of the far-future phalanx. the librarian originally uploaded some component of his consciousness into the worldmind, which the phalanx absorbed. if that component knows about moira, then the phalanx already knows she's a threat. so really, she was only able to prevent the ascension of the post-humans in her sixth life; an even bigger reckoning then the one she was already fighting to prevent could be on the horizon because of her meddling. in her own way, she's as much at fault as charles and eric.
  • that said.. it needs to be said again: charles and eric are fukking idiots. so much so that i refuse to believe moira doesn't have contingencies for removing them from the board should they get too far out of pocket. she has to know she can't rely on them to carry her vision through in full.
  • saw this mentioned elsewhere, but it's crazy how hickman has evolved the mutant/minority metaphor beyond the typical persecution, Martin & Malcolm tropes, and is now speaking to the adaptation/whitewashing of culture. they can't win because the broader society takes gifts that were developed organically, commoditizes them, and then excludes them from benefitting off of what was theirs to begin with. morrison was playing off of this too with the u-men and Sublime. but moira's resurrection engine gives hickman's take a bleaker, more worldly scale.
Hickman seems to be casting Xavier and Magneto like he did Iron Man and Cap in Avengers.

Rigid ideologues whose arrogance and self-righteousness fukk everything up.


May 7, 2012
Hickman seems to be casting Xavier and Magneto like he did Iron Man and Cap in Avengers.

Rigid ideologues whose arrogance and self-righteousness fukk everything up.

He also clearly fancies the all white everything cosplay (GE Doom/Magneto) and mr. big head VR helmet (Evil Reed Richards/Xavier) in everything he does. Can't tell him nothin, he in his zone

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
-Does anyone know the deal with Karima Shapandar? I don’t know the character’s history too well, but I remember she was an X-man during I think it was Mike Carey’s run on one of the X-books. Now I see she’s fukking with Orchis and Nimrod. Did she ever have an on-panel heel turn?

-Did anyone notice when they were planting the flowers of Krakoa to create gateways in various locations in HOX #1 one of them didn’t say a location name and just gave a time of 2 weeks ago? I don’t know if that was ever revealed later.

-It seems the creation of the no-places might may Krakoa upset if he ever found about him. It says they made them to be hidden from him. He’s on the Council. I imagine he or Cypher won’t take that news too well.

-Hickman either fukked up on his X-Men history or has Magneto lying. Magneto told the UN officials in HOX #1 mutants have never started a war or conquered a people. :mindblown: Magneto has done this himself. He conquered the country San Marco and tried to take it for mutants and killed probably millions of people. And he tried to take over NY with force long before “Xorneto” did.

-Who the fukk is “Mother Akkaba”? They had her on a diagram as being one of the last mutants alive in X100. Is that Moira?

-I know Hickman said he’s redefining omega mutants, but where the fukk is the Shadow King??? How is Jean Grey an omega telepath but Amal Farouk isn’t? Jean Grey is powerful but she’s never been depicted as a telepathic equal of Xavier. Meanwhile the Shadow King has always said to be the only telepath that rivals or maybe surpasses Xavier and Xavier is legit scared of him.

-Mikhail Rasputin is another formerly omega level mutant that is MIA so far. I’d like to see Selene too.