This camp was a real life Fear Street: Camp Nightwingminus the murdery stuff but still
Camp Quinebarge, the ‘Fyre Fest’ of overnight camps, closed after 6 days
Reads like the script of a horror movie
“Soon, stories began to circulate of problems that went much deeper than late deliveries: counselors hired just days before camp and lacking basic training; a counselor punched in the face by a child and a camper later hit in the head by the same child; dirty dishes provided at multiple meals; at least four campers vomiting and getting quarantined, while some parents said they weren’t informed; and staff quitting and being fired in high numbers.
Indeed, a camper’s letter to his parents from the first week reads like the famous parody letter from camp:
“We have been in tears, bored, and devastated the whole day. [The camp director] is lying to you all,” the camper wrote. “You have to trust us. You have to. We are not joking and we are not having fun. So many things are wrong with this place.” The boy’s father, who found the note folded in his son’s pocket days after camp closed and provided it to The Boston Globe, requested anonymity to protect his son’s privacy.”
-From camper Kayden Gove’s perspective, the whole experience was unusual. Kayden, 8, said he was hit in the head with a wooden block by another camper; his mother, Rebecca Gove, said he was bruised when he returned home. Kayden’scounselor, Bigler, said he was previously attacked by the same child, who punched him in the face, giving him a bloody lip.
“was hired about 4 days before campers arrived,” said MJ Lowry, a 21-year-old counselor this summer. “They just kind of said, ‘Hey you were referred, we’ll send you the application. You seem to be qualified, do you want the position?’”
“I played kickball, and got to see the turtle and the frog in the pond and learn about tadpoles. It was stuff like that,” Lowry said of their brief training.”
they could have hired Jason Vorhees and none would have been the wiser
The Class Action Park guys need to do this Doc. next