Last night’s movie was Cronenberg’s “The Brood”, one that I tried to watch many years ago in the dark ages but got my first seeious and (mostly) sober watch in last night. I’d say on first-impression it’s up there with my favorite from 80s-Cronenberg like The Dead Zone and Scanners, engaging story with enough subtext to chew on.
This one seemed especially imbued with a specific anger and message to get across, so it came as no surprise that this was a film he wrote during a heated divorce with his first wife and mother of his first child.
It was super interesting to also learn that this creative process also was partly spurned by Kramer vs Kramer, which came out that same year. He wanted to create an answer that upended the seemingly optimistic portrayal of divorce. Crone’ wanted to show his take on all of the emotion horror that happens when a family crumbles around the parents.
Many reviewers seem perturbed by the depiction of the husband’s sanity compared to the wife’s emotional unrest, seeing it as a misogynistic take on the dynamic between the two. To me it seemed that Cronenberg felt the wife and husband both were equals parts victims and culpable parties, and that their child is the true victim in their marriage’s dissolution. Crone was definitely pissed at his ex though, lol.