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Promo Code - SHUDDERBA9
Promo Code - SHUDDERBA9
Anybody seen All The Creatures Were Stirring yet?
i am anti modern takes and remakes but this halloween rendition was a nice take on the OG..Hated the new Halloween. Millennials are weird
Hated the new Halloween. Millennials are weird
The ending mostly. Boring set ups.. Judy Greer character had no investment then became the decider. MeToo panderingNew Halloween was dope. What didn’t you like about it
It was indeed not as bad as the rob Zmobie onesi am anti modern takes and remakes but this halloween rendition was a nice take on the OG..
what is your issue?
The zombie take of myers was horrendous!
The ending mostly. Boring set ups.. Judy Greer character had no investment then became the decider. MeToo pandering
Loved all of that
Wish it worked for you homie.
I have no idea what that means.The ending mostly. Boring set ups.. Judy Greer character had no investment then became the decider. MeToo pandering
I have no idea what that means.
Yeah, because if you have an issue with a woman being the one to beat the bad guy in a slasher movie then you just have a philosophical issue with the genre completely and shouldn't even bother watching any of the movies.Yeah I mean the whole idea behind slashers is women in peril and surviving in the end. This movie just took that subtext and reconfigured it for 2018 and what it means for our world today.
Anyone remember this flick? lol Carlton Banks got it the worse
Never heard of it. What fukkery is this