We byke on my Netflix grind
2017 - RT Score 17% IMDB 4.2
I love jeepers creepers 1. Well the first hour. It's a master class in suspense. They did an incredible job. And then they revealed the monster and explained everything and it went from a potential classic to a solid horror flick. Then the 2nd film came out and it doubled down on the worse parts of 1. It a bad film and removed all the luster from the franchise. And so I wasn't really looking forward to this one. It's odd that it's the same writer and director of all 3 because the films feel like a drop in quality from changing the people behind the scenes.
This one takes place almost entirely in day time. It's poorly acted and cheesey. Theirs really no horror left it's just a cheap cash grab. Just how can we bring a few dollars from this.
But the worst part that changed me from disinterest and bored was hearing a character reference child abuse and make a joke of it. Based on the fact the director raped a child in real life this is just downright disgusting. I HATE this film. fukk Victor silva. Piece of shyt. Don't waste your time or support on this.
2017 - RT Score 31% IMDB 5
Another film I was

thinking about watching. I actually really liked the TCM remake with Jessica Biel. I thought it was a well done update of the original with some memorable performances and scenes. But then they made a prequel and it was
So seeing them do another prequel didn't exactly interest me. Horror prequels are a terrible idea. Explaining away why a monster is a monster is stupid. I don't want to feel any kind of sympathy for a monster why would I want to know it's upbringing? Not knowing is way more interesting.
I watched this expecting to hate it. And surprisingly I thought it was okay. Not good. Not necessary either. But I didn't hate it. In fact if this movie was separated from its leatherface lore it would better for it. The set up was actually entertaining. A bunch of escaped mental patients on the run. One of them will grow up to be leatherface but because names are changed at the institute you don't know who it is. I called who it was fairly early but I still thought it was a decent enough premise. But the actual ride to get there was entertaining to me. It reminded me a bit of The devils rejects. A road trip film with psychopath murderers. The end however gets silly as it goes full into tying it into the TCM lore and becoming leatherface.
Mileage will vary but I think if you go into it with low expectations you might get some enjoyment out of it. It still gets held back by being a prequel. Like I said if you made this movie divorced from the lore it would be better for it.