scanners (1981)
wildest trailer ever
classic flick
did not know there were 5 of these
might try to catch the others this weekend since i am on call again..
Let us know how the sequels are. I saw all the sequels when I rewatched Scanners a year or two ago.
I'm also looking for slasher franchises to watch during the summer. I might just stick to 80s Slasher for a summer watch through.
I watched Hatceht 1 & 2 and need a break from the franchise right now. The formula for the movies got too repetitive to me to watch over and over. It's a lot of people standing in front of plants like this
Arguing about what to do. Then Victor Crowley pops up brutally killing someone as the survivors runaway, and then they do the same thing with 1 or 2 less people. I definitely saw the first 2 before. I still enjoy the movies for what they are.