I feel like you'd remember the ending if you got to that point . There are some WILD scenes to close, definitely the most memorable parts. But I co-sign the need for some cleaning up to the fullest! I think the writer's POV is great, she also directed and the cinematography is really strong IMO...but the editing room needed to make it fit together better, or maybe there some scenes they didn't have budget to shoot or something. There are just some gaps that if they filled in, could have made this movie a home run.I started this and can't even remember if i watched the whole thing to the end. LOL. This seems like a movie that had a good idea, but they needed somebody to clean it up a little and make sense of that idea. Trying not to give away spoilers because i do at least remember the "trait" as you put it.
I still think it was worth a watch and pretty decent, but it had potential to be great thanks to that "trait" and the way it gets utilized in the second half of the story.