Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.


Aug 4, 2014
Brehs I know I'm about to body bag my own coli horror career with this, but I gotta be honest: I have never seen an Evil Dead movie in my entire life. B movies aren't really my thing (outside of Wrong Turn Series. Even the bad ones shyt all over Terrifier) so I never felt a desire to get into them. I know they had one come out more recently that may have had a bigger budget but by that point evil dead already had the b movie reputation and I had no desire to see it.

This new evil dead rise looks crazy fire though. I'm wondering if I need to watch the most recent evil dead to get myself ready for this one, or will they not be related?

Duke Dixon

Aug 12, 2017
Brehs I know I'm about to body bag my own coli horror career with this, but I gotta be honest: I have never seen an Evil Dead movie in my entire life. B movies aren't really my thing (outside of Wrong Turn Series. Even the bad ones shyt all over Terrifier) so I never felt a desire to get into them. I know they had one come out more recently that may have had a bigger budget but by that point evil dead already had the b movie reputation and I had no desire to see it.

This new evil dead rise looks crazy fire though. I'm wondering if I need to watch the most recent evil dead to get myself ready for this one, or will they not be related?

You don't need to watch any of the old ones including the 2013 Evil Dead. I read reviews on reddit and they dont directly reference anything but theres easter eggs. Not a bunch where they get tiresome or youd be lost.

There's a reason they gave this man the Spider-Man franchise.

1 is good in its own right

2 retells 1 then goes off on its own mixing gore and comedy.

3 is a direct sequel to 2. 3 is more light hearted and completely different story.

2013 is a similar story to 1 and 2 and very well made. I say watch this and then watch 2 if interested. 1 if you really liked it.

TV Show Is pretty good. I think I enjoyed the first season the most. TV show is most similar to 2.

Edit: I'll check out Wrong Turn 2021 and watch the others if I like it. I didn't know the writer for the franchise was black. He also wrote the Spawn movie, The Marine, and a couple video game movies.


Aug 4, 2014
Edit: I'll check out Wrong Turn 2021 and watch the others if I like it. I didn't know the writer for the franchise was black. He also wrote the Spawn movie, The Marine, and a couple video game movies.
Oh shyt I didn't know he was black, that's definitely a bonus. And yeah all of them are dope but my favorite is probably 4. None of them are connected in any meaningful way so you're welcome to watch however you want.

Just keep in mind these are definitely B movies, so go in with that expectation and enjoy the ride! As for the rest of your post, if I can find 2013 Evil Dead streaming for free somewhere I'll watch it otherwise it's gonna be a magic Johnson pass for me


Jan 16, 2016
Bay Area
Getting the most out of my Screambox subscription...I got a couple of worthy joints to discuss.

First a fun documentary: Living with Chucky


This one's a fun documentary. It covers all of the movies, but not particularly in-depth from the technical aspects or marketing and reception. Rather, it focuses a lot on the creators from producers to writers to cast and crew. It really captures how much love is involved from everyone that helps put these films together. There's a lot of fun from interviews with the cast members. I'm especially partial to all the clips of Brad Dourif and his daughter Fiona (I didn't know the wheelchair-bound hero was his daughter until watching this). If you like Child's Play movies, this is a fun watch.

But the one I'm really stoked about is the Japanese remake of the original Cube.

Lemme preface this with the fact that I'm a Cube stan. I think the original's a classic. I think the follow-ups are good to varying degrees, but with the expanding story getting a bit campier each time. So this reset of the OG story is kinda made to my tastes.

For newcomers, in each Cube movie a group of strangers wake up in a Cube. There are doors on each wall leading to more square-shaped rooms with more doors. It seems impossible to tell how far in you are or if there's an exit...and some rooms are booby-trapped in ways that will cause brutal death. The characters have to search their way through the Cube, avoiding the trap rooms while looking for a way out. But paranoia sets in with these strangers trying to figure out why they're there. It's a great premise, the OG movie adds a heavy dose of philosophy and mystery, and they're all fun.

The Japanese film is a good launch point. It hits a lot of points that the original made, including some of the most iconic traps and moments. But if you're not sure about it, I suggest finding the original because it's a faster trip through the plot (but that comes with some flaws).

Newcomers: Skip this spoilered section.
For series vets, I think it comes down to how much you liked the first film. This retreads the key plot points and revisits a lot of the best beats from that original. But a longer run-time allows for better character development, and they've tossed some of the philosophical quandaries in exchange for more natural character growth and more focused themes. That gives this one the most satisfying conclusion out of any of the Cube movies IMO.

It's also important to mention that the characters are much different from the original version. They have their own pasts and unique reactions to everything happening. Whereas the original Cube gave us archetypes that devolve as time goes on, this version is more focused on people's true colors coming out the more stress they're under. I liked the change! It gave fresh perspectives to old story beats, and all my favorite easter eggs were still there.

This is also the first Cube movie where I cared about the characters and felt a type of way when some of them were in peril.

Long story short, as a stan for the classic trilogy, this felt fresh enough to be surprised but kept all of my favorite things about the movies. It made me want to rewatch the first Cube...and I'm debating whether it's my favorite or second-favorite of the series. They didn't reinvent the wheel, they gave the care a tune-up and a new paint job.

Cube is goated :wow: I had no idea that a remake came out!:whoo:


May 7, 2012
West where the Sunsets
Brehs I know I'm about to body bag my own coli horror career with this, but I gotta be honest: I have never seen an Evil Dead movie in my entire life. B movies aren't really my thing (outside of Wrong Turn Series. Even the bad ones shyt all over Terrifier) so I never felt a desire to get into them. I know they had one come out more recently that may have had a bigger budget but by that point evil dead already had the b movie reputation and I had no desire to see it.

This new evil dead rise looks crazy fire though. I'm wondering if I need to watch the most recent evil dead to get myself ready for this one, or will they not be related?
I just saw them for the first time over the last 2 years and I’m in my mid 30s. :manny:

But in my defense I didn’t become more into horror until my early 30s. :ld:


Jan 16, 2016
Bay Area
Watched “deadstream” last night on shudder. It’s a found footage movie surrounding one characters journey into a haunted house. It’s a mixture of your typical obnoxious YouTuber video meets evil dead 2. The main character will definitely be an acquired taste for people, but nonetheless I thought the film was alright for what it was :ehh: good logic for camera cuts/angles, decent jump scares, and some humor in it.



Aug 4, 2014
Watched Climax last night. Cinemax has it billed as a horror but after watching for an hour I'm like :dahell: so I looked it up on Google and they have it listed as "Drama/Musical" :gucci::childplease::hhh:

Don't get me wrong I actually enjoyed it enough to watch the rest but it's criminal to label this a horror. I done cut all the lights off, it's midnight I'm ready for some spooky time and this is the shyt I was duped into. Funny enough it really did have a set up for a scary ass movie too but after they got to busting out in the umpteenth dance routine I'm like aight something's not right :beli:

Any of y'all ever seen Climax? Interested in your thoughts. I've read from people that watched it, but not from the perspective of it supposed to be a horror movie

Duke Dixon

Aug 12, 2017
Watched Climax last night. Cinemax has it billed as a horror but after watching for an hour I'm like :dahell: so I looked it up on Google and they have it listed as "Drama/Musical" :gucci::childplease::hhh:

Don't get me wrong I actually enjoyed it enough to watch the rest but it's criminal to label this a horror. I done cut all the lights off, it's midnight I'm ready for some spooky time and this is the shyt I was duped into. Funny enough it really did have a set up for a scary ass movie too but after they got to busting out in the umpteenth dance routine I'm like aight something's not right :beli:

Any of y'all ever seen Climax? Interested in your thoughts. I've read from people that watched it, but not from the perspective of it supposed to be a horror movie

I heard it was a horror movie and had it on my que list.