I feel like the Horror characters from the late 70s - early 80s (Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, Leatherface) don't have the same impact as they did back then. I always felt Halloween was the most realistic (the 1st one in particular) being I can see that shyt actually happening in a small town. But the whole aura of being "scared" of those guys doesn't seem to resonate today. I actually liked Rob Zombie's Halloween, but it still didn't have that feel like the 1st one where Michael Myers was a regular sized dude and you had no clue where and when he'd show up and or why he was murking people. Now you gotta know the entire back story. After you do 9-10 of the same type of movie inevitably it's gonna dumb itself down. Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street became slapstick comedies after a while and Texas Chainsaw Massacre outside of the 1st one weren't really scary movies more than gory flicks (and ironically the 1st movie you see no gore at all and its regarded as one of the Goriest Movies Ever). Its kinda like Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman, etc for us was

. I'm sure we're gonna see a new Halloween and Friday the 13th at some point but those movies now are simple cash grabs cause they dont cost a lot to make and they clock in at least $10 Mill opening weekend which a lot of times is what it cost to make.