Last night I was watching UFC and then watched the ESPN boxing card I DVR'd after.
As for The Rental:
It was OK. Probably would've liked it better if the majority of the characters in it weren't so thoroughly unlikable.
Slasher horror allows for 1 total dikkhead character who you root for to die and the rest of the cast needs to be varying degrees of likable enough that their deaths upset the audience. They fukked up that simple formula.
I did like the killer dude though.
I was fine with him being this faceless maniac murdering his way through AirBnBs all over the country.
And the best thing about him was the deliberate workmanlike way he killed people. Dude was a machine.

you’re right about the precision - he moved like he works out at a 24 hr fitness gym and studies ways to kill solely for the purpose of having constructive ways to kill people around the house or vacation spot. He knew the layouts, architecture, schedules, floor plans, the number of guests —- He doesn’t slumber around like Jason or Mike.... he runs.