House of 1000 Chainsaws: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and Rob Zombie

Additionally, there is some powerful parallel imagery in both films. Both Hooper and Zombie employ the use of harsh red and green lighting to create an odd sense of tampered spatial awareness in their sets and scenery. The Sawyer family’s underground lair seems to be an endless labyrinth of the macabre with twists and turns at every corner while the Firefly compound and the underground home of Dr. Satan have the same sense of surreal architecture as characters stumble and scream their way through the shadowy landscape.
The films seem to exploit the horror of a small decision leading to a vortex of hellish terror at the hands of redneck savages. A deeper study of these films would likely unveil a deeper theme of the destruction of the privileged upper class (the kids in House of 1000 Corpses, Stretch the radio DJ) by the hardworking lower class(the Sawyer and Firefly clans), but that’s a whole different discussion.
Cinematic horror Genius level shyt
Though there is no official, recognized connection between the films, House of 1000 Corpses can be seen as a spiritual companion piece to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and brings the story out of the 80’s and into the post-9/11 era of horror cinema.
Watching these two films back-to-back really makes you wonder how things might’ve went if Rob Zombie had been given the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise to reboot rather than the Halloween series.
Time will tell -

seems like a natural progression that he could get that TCM remake 2- 2022 directorial nod