Any websites you know of? I saw some brownells site, not sure which other ones were good.This is standard price for a new Glock.
Any websites you know of? I saw some brownells site, not sure which other ones were good.This is standard price for a new Glock.
Any websites you know of? I saw some brownells site, not sure which other ones were good.
Any websites you know of? I saw some brownells site, not sure which other ones were good.
I just put in my application to get a foid card. Undecided between Sig P227 and CZ97
What y'all think about those?
I’m a big fan of CZ’s
I just put in my application to get a foid card. Undecided between Sig P227 and CZ97
What y'all think about those?
The both .45 and hold 10+1 rounds. I think the Sig has extended mags on the market that hold 13
Will be using either for home defense and carry
You most likely won't need more than 10rds for self defense whether at home or out in public. Just keep an extra mag with you if you're that concerned
9mm kills the body, but .45 kills the soul
Good choice
Man the .45 gets the job done. I hate when gun people always talk about how the .45 is a slow round.
Yeah I been looking to get something but not finding the one I want. Would like a Glock 17 or even a 19 but not finding it anywhere. You guys got any recommendations and price range? Some places I've seen got them sold out but looks like around $500 to 600 for those type and similar.
Can't imagine the cost of bullets.
They are both good guns. I like metal frame pistols, I was going to get a P220, but I ended up getting an AR-10 lol.
Getting hit by a golfball @ 80mpha freight train @ 10mph? Physics dictate that larger objects need less force to hit just as hard, if not harder.
9mm is still a good round with the proper ammo, but outside of capacity and price, .45 wins in the more important departments for me. Mainly that it shoots subsonic rather than super since mine is for home defense. Plus it kicks nice and flat in a subcompact where with smaller rounds you'd need +P ammo to get the proper ballistics to be effective.
.45 is all I shoot
I hit the range weekly and I like to think I'm a pretty good shot at this point. But I've never shot someone or even pulled my gun on someone. So I know when the time comes to defend myself nerves will kick in and trigger pull will have me shooting all over the place.
So I need a round that has good stopping power no matter where I hit someone. You just can't beat .45 acp in that category.
Plus I find the kick in my 1911s to be so much more manageable than handguns chambered in 9mm.