nikkahs B. Wildin is correct use good form and put bullets on paper. I would just take your time and enjoy learning how to shoot the new gun. Also get online and look for any tips on shooting it better. I like the glock platform and would not mind owning one but I am not in the market for a new pistol.
you'll want to try to hit paper. and keep proper form. but yeah, empty the mag, 10rds less than 10 seconds.
Afternoon gentlemen....
I wanted to report in after going to the range today....I think I've hit my stride.
Started out last night getting some booty and stress relief.
Then loaded up all my mags with Winchester 9mm 115gr FMJ ONLY!!!
Hit the range today at 1130 and it was packed. These three people in the lane next to me on the left were taking turns shooting what looked like an FN 5.7 and based on the sound and size of the shells hitting the wall near my lane...I'm sure it was.
So I started out as usual at 25 yards with my S2K for 2 magazines....perfect as always.
Then transitioned to my G-17 with a new target at 8 yards.
I didn't try to conform to some preset stance or holding configuration...I just told myself to:
1. Get a solid stable grip on the gun regardless of the position or how it looked...not tryna be cool.
2. Make sure your fingertip is doing the work...not any other part of your finger.
3. Be comfortable!
I don't know how to describe my stance I used besides saying it's the same stance I use with my rifle when I'm using the long range scope that's on a 45 degree offset mount.
Very comfortable, very natural for me and I shoot the best in that stance.
The first 5 shots weren't that accurate getting used to the recoil and louder report.
But after that...I had orange to canteloupe sized groupings of 6 in each of the areas I targeted. The great thing was that I wasn't taking 30 seconds between each shot! I was taking maybe 2-3 seconds between each shot max!!!
OMG, when I recalled the target to mark my shots...I was so amazed at how much better I was than last week!!!
Like night and day! After the second round of 6 my confidence was up so high I wasn't even noticing the recoil anymore, it was like the gun wasn't there at times and all I saw and felt was my trigger finger and the target.
For the first time...the bullets were going where I wanted them to!!
I think I also understand how the sights work better as well, I was definitely not holding the gun correctly last time I went to the range. The stance I used today was much more natural and WAY better for controlling the gun.
You guys were right!! It does take practice, and because every person is different....the right stance/grip/form that works for YOU!
I left after my 4 magazines were empty because I was running short on time, but I wanted to shoot more.
I've decided to go ahead and get a membership so that I won't be limited to an hour on the range anymore...just how much ammo I bring with me.
Things are looking bright!
Thank you both so much for the advice and mentorship!!!