The Official Chicago Discussion Thread


All Star
May 6, 2012
Everywhere I go I see Black people. Its a very rare instance that I'm the only Black person around. And no, nobody has ever told me "You are Black, you are not allowed here."

You guys are really really caught up on this racism and color sh!t. Yes, racism exists and it's unfair but I'm telling you to get over it for your own sake. You can't make it in this country if you think you can only associate with Black people. You're limiting yourself socially, economically, and intellectually. Your life will be better when you can stop being caught up about the fact that you are a Black person. I'm not all about cliches... but the fact is, the old adage "Seek and ye shall find," is very applicable when it comes to modern racism.


What are you talking about? Who said there were places black people weren't allowed? We simply saying the city and burbs are made up of areas that are dominated by one race. We not saying anything else besides that. And of course there are exceptions. Nobody is talking about the white man holding us back and or saying we doomed or anything.. Keep that MLK speech in ya backpocket for another day.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
nikka, stay downtown in an overpriced crib.

scared to venture past the magmile.

stop playing,...where you stay is essentially the only melting pot in the city.

you don't even remember me tellin you that you are so ignorant.

you know nuffin about this city,....

go look up my post on mad sam,..and get a gateway clue.

this city is used as the building block to racism and segregstion via the elder daley.

whose model wss used and employed nationwide to limit blacks.

learn some history about even being arrested and segregstion posters.

it used to be and is still virtually illegal to be black in certain areas of this city.

so, kill the bullshyt.

PROJECT PAT : a real nikka don't speak if he don't know.

you don't know, why are you posting.

art barr
Just because this city has a history of radical institutionalized racism (like the rest of America) doesn't mean that's the way things are now or that the situation in Chicago is unique.

The only place I feel unwelcome and unsafe is the Southside. Black KILL Black people in droves at random down there. Both episodes of gun violence I've witnessed so far in has been in the Southside. It simply isn't safe and the people aren't positive at all.

Look at how you're behaving toward me now. Why the hell would I want to associate with that? Why would anybody living a productive life want anything to do with that?


All Star
May 6, 2012
I'm a Black man and I had my choice of where to live in this city. When I first got here I didn't have an established credit history limiting my options, but as soon as I got crackin' and got a 20% bump in my anual take home I pretty much had my pick of where to stay.

Every public social setting I've been in has included Black people for the most part.

Art, this "blackballed existence" you're living is probably due to your own behavior to some degree. I mean, I'm trying to get along with you on here but you seem to be a really stubborn person that's hard to talk to. I can imagine that disposition of yours doesn't translate well into non-hood, non-backward settings.

Just say you dont understand what we talking about. :skip: Everyone is talking about the demographics of a city..and you stuck on this...theory that we act like Chicago is under Jim Crow laws keeping people from going where they please.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Just say you dont understand what we talking about. :skip: Everyone is talking about the demographics of a city..and you stuck on this...theory that we act like Chicago is under Jim Crow laws keeping people from going where they please.
Sounds to me like a number of you people are bitter about being Black.

Racism exists. Deal with it.


All Star
May 6, 2012
Sounds to me like a number of you people are bitter about being Black.

Racism exists. Deal with it.


The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
You're bullshyt ass reverse psychology is just another means of deflectin da fact you don't know shyt about mah city.
You're right. I used to get my hair cut in the Southside but I couldn't stand all the "Please don't shoot! I want to live!" posters, the hostile bums, the random violence. It's way too mentally taxing. You're right. I don't go to those areas. I have no business there. I am not poor.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I'm a Black man and I had my choice of where to live in this city. When I first got here I didn't have an established credit history limiting my options, but as soon as I got crackin' and got a 20% bump in my anual take home I pretty much had my pick of where to stay.

Every public social setting I've been in has included Black people for the most part.

Art, this "blackballed existence" you're living is probably due to your own behavior to some degree. I mean, I'm trying to get along with you on here but you seem to be a really stubborn person that's hard to talk to. I can imagine that disposition of yours doesn't translate well into non-hood, non-backward settings.

nikka whut!!

first off where you live is nowhere compared to the cultured surroundings or locale where i grew up.

you don't even live in the nice duplex community up the street.

where i have friends and former female lovers from high school.

who own parking spots worth more than you make in a year.

you don't know shyt indepthly about my everyday contribution to the isp industry.

nor professionally as a senior account manager or closer.

nor socially whom i know or how i am professionally.

so kill the bullshyt,...

you were not even in the working class. when i cultivated chicago as a professional at chicago's oldest and largest isp.

plus your very job benefitted from me being in the isp business.

of which i was the account manager for the tribune and sun times.

on top of every media outlet and the darling of the chicago chamber of commerce section.

i personally outfitted your company with its first email and internet access.

from lowly top level exec to secretary with pop accounts and aliases.

i routinely setup derivative of as a domain name and the dns pointers.

all the way from dial up's, html webpage to nt frontpage, to isdn and dedicated bandwidth.

like i said you are supremely ignorant and you assume.

assumptions are made for the ignorant and weak at heart.

i know you are inexperienced as a blackman.

especially professionally,....

including your naive nature in the chicago landscape.

so kill the noise b,...also, your little lakeview.

i grew up with a grotto and the private beach.

i can go out to the beach and smoke an L at sunrise and did for more than fifteen years.

my dad plays cards with aldermen. my neighbors growing up are congressmen and inventors of the nasdaq ticker.

plus i was an accomplished grassroots prodigy as a penciler in the chicago art community.

on top of being in museums before i was fifteen as a gallery37 year one employee at thirteen.

so kill you bullshyt, nothing of me, or about me like.

nor whom and what i have spearheaded and professionally risked and lost.

so kill your lil noise, and speak on what you know.

as it is evident you know very little as far as i am concerned.

art barr


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
You're right. I used to get my hair cut in the Southside but I couldn't stand all the "Please don't shoot! I want to live!" posters, the hostile bums, the random violence. It's way too mentally taxing. You're right. I don't go to those areas. I have no business there. I am not poor.

Dat's how i know you don't know shyt about Chicago. Keep exposin ya self, c00n. :heh:

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
Dat's how i know you don't know shyt about Chicago. Keep exposin ya self, c00n. :heh:
You mean I'm making up the fact that the Southside is riddled with gun violence with the perps being Black and the victims being Black?

You mean I'm making up the fact that I can't go to a JJ's fish down in the South Side without seeing random fights over nothing break out?

You mean the Southside isn't a total shythole full of poor people that I have no business with?

You mean I'm making this up?


All Star
May 6, 2012
You mean I'm making up the fact that the Southside is riddled with gun violence with the perps being Black and the victims being Black?

You mean I'm making up the fact that I can't go to a JJ's fish down in the South Side without seeing random fights over nothing break out?

You mean the Southside isn't a total shythole full of poor people that I have no business with?

You mean I'm making this up?

The only thing that was true was the first question. Everything else is false.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
The only thing that was true was the first question. Everything else is false.
Well, even if the only true statement is the first one, the fact is that I'm a Black man who doesn't want to be a victim of the rampant, randomized gun violence of the South Side and the other economically depressed areas of Chicago so I don't involve myself with that sh!t at all. How does that make me a c*on?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012

What are you talking about? Who said there were places black people weren't allowed? We simply saying the city and burbs are made up of areas that are dominated by one race. We not saying anything else besides that. And of course there are exceptions. Nobody is talking about the white man holding us back and or saying we doomed or anything.. Keep that MLK speech in ya backpocket for another day.


i am the living embodiment of the actual man holding me back.

i have enemies i did not make.

even after i created millions in liquid cash for them.

as a top producer since my first day as a full time employee.

yet who made themselves apparent by damaging my professional life beyound repair purposefully.

these are people of mass influence of ibm to ivy league distinction.

so yes,..the man does exist.

as i am the very victim of their manipulation and gamesmanship.

plus i am and will always be resistant, too.

i tell you guys the real truth.

i have done way more.

plus, had way more done to me than i will list on a server.

just know the so-called man is real.

he will kick your little puny black ass life around and show you..

you are a ******, the most harsh extreme.

so believe me when i tell you the detail.

i don't do this to appease myself.

i do this so you can ascertain the real truth about what being black is.

how futile it is being talented when you are black.

or how if you are successful, are a misnomer on the spreadsheet.

that the man can easily resurvey and change to his ultimate liking.

so trying to be an uncle tom mccann is ignorant.

as you are not more special than anyone just because you had success.

i am telling you when you become so successful and show up on their radar.

they can take years of your positive results struggle, talent and perseverence in a few seconds.....

believe it,..i live it!!!

art barr