I think now with some of he big stars out of the game it's more possible that they will fight against each other (good fighters) because there's nobody they can duck the others for. There are a few exceptions of course but overall... The only bigger star now s CaneloI bring this up every year, but I will NEVER understand why nyggas complained about the super 6 saying it was too long. I don't get it, considering the alternative is the usual "cherrypick, until a big fight comes up" approach that everyone takes. Nyggas wanted a winner declared so bad, that they lose sight of the fact that a lot of those fights probably would have never happened. They also lose sight of the fact once a winner is declared, the division goes right back to the bullshyt. I will gladly watch a tournament that takes 3 years with the top fighters banging it out.
Listen, they had no idea Ward was that good. If they knew he was that good back then, he would have been ducked. Am I lying?
In fact, there are quite a few divisions out there that could use a super 6 to generate some interest.
Now from the 12 weightclasses (122 and up) only two are bad/weak imo (160, 168) the others are at least solid and good matchups started to happen more frequently
HW rose from the dead after a long time
cruiser and lhw also became hot
sww and ww were strong anyways, former jut got even stonger, while later is maybe not as strong a it was 4 years ago but still strong af.
jww was also stronger a few years ago but still a solid, good weightclass
lightweight was a dead af weightclass in recent years and I doN't say that now it's the liveliest but state to get better and it's solid.
130 and 126 are very good
122 is also a nice weightclass even though it was better 2 years ago