Tito ain't half the boxer manny is.
Skill wise he wasn't.
Tito was a basic fighter his skills were c level.
It was his size and strength and stamina that made him great.
His power was great also.
The only advantage tito has over cotton is size and stanima. Head to head tito wins but I think Cotto is a much more complete fighter.
And power, strength, and confidence....confidence plays a lot into how an opponent approaches a fight. You're severely underestimating Tito's size/strength/power/stamina/stalking ability in relation to Cotto who deals with those things very poorly. Cotto doesn't like to be walked down and doesn't fight "fire with fire" (aka he doesn't like to trade bombs).
Look at the size difference between them:
Look at Cotto's face in these last 2 pics....he's looking like at Tito's right hand like: "

what is
@#SOG_soldier talkin bout....I wouldn't want this guy in his prime standing next to me

No matter if it was 147, 154, or 160....Tito would destroy Cotto, because even though Cotto was more skillful all-around, Tito was GREAT at Cotto's weaknesses (Cotto's weaknesses were taking power punches, suspect stamina, smaller of size, average strength, average chin, tendency to get own his bike against a come forward stalker)