It's been a long time since I've done this....but oh well

Well Newzz we all know your card is biased and bullshyt.
Im biased to Floyd?
That's news to me........
And you gave EVERY close round to Floyd
What close rounds?
and disregard anything manny did, like making Floyd miss plenty of times and blocking Floyds punches also, but when Floyd does the same thing he's putting on a clinic... the nerve of you saying Floyd "easily" did anything..
Beating someone 118-110 on my card, and losing OFFICIALLY 10-2, 8-4, and 8-4 on the judges cards, plus having HBO score it 9-3 for Floyd, Showtime score it 10-2 for Floyd means Floyd won easy.
What problems did he have in there?
What did he have to adjust to in there?
Easy work.
especially when you and multiple others claimed Floyd was gonna KO Pac, just like Rios was supposed to do, Bradley was supposed to do twice, even some were giving Algieri a chance for the Victory...
Don't bring up "multiple others"....where did I claim Floyd was gonna KO him, Rios was gonna KO him, Bradley was gonna KO him, or Algieri (who YOU called a MasterBoxer) had a chance?
Where are the receipts?
each time Pacquiao is being underestimated again and again :mjlol, but when he dominates these guys all of a sudden they're bums and you get the bullshyt "I was never impressed with Bradley's boxing" wierdo fans
Receipts for me EVER saying Bradley had any real skill?
No huh? Just talking out the side of your neck huh?
Bradley is weak, sloppy, doesn't follow his corner's directions, and Im on record in here for YEARS saying Bradley just wins. There is nothing special about Bradley except his "will" to win, so beating him over and over means nothing to me, being that I don't believe he's that talented of a Boxer
Now If you really wanna revisit that Floyd fight(which you dont) we can do that. And you will see a shook fighter that respected Pacquiao's ability and took ZERO chances unlike how he fought Cotto, Maidana(1st fight), and Berto.. and the rounds that Floyd did win it was based purely from statistics of maybe landing a couple more punches than Pac in a round.. which is why instead of us seeing a war, or this imaginary "clinic" that Floyd ball gobblers claim took place, we instead see nothing more than a HIGH level sparring match between Floyd and Manny (with only 1 good arm)
I've revisited that thread multiple times, gave the same scorecard everytime. Pacquiao lost cleanly, clearly, widely, decisively, and it wasn't close at all.
And I still give Floyd his credit for the win.. And lets not even act like Floyd didn't admit that the fight was not easy and gave Crawford a stern WARNING not to fukk with the REAL Truth
Floyd doesn't want his #1 victory to get snatched from him. Crawford beats Pacquiao and KOs him in the process
Now tell us more about all these physical "advantages" Spence has because last I checked Chris Algieri was also taller, younger, had longer reach..AND as far as power goes
Pacquaio is faster of hand & foot, better footwork, more experienced...but what else? They both have similar power.
Click to expand...
These are your words.. Pac has better hands, footwork, and is more experienced.. and they have similar power..
Now after watching Pacquiao for all these years, we know all that "power" shyt goes out the window as soon as they start to get tagged in the face... Mind you, Spence chin has still not been tested... what will happen when Spence takes multiple shots to the face by Pacquiao?? who we know, but dont want to admit, because of our closeted hatred for Pac, has always been VERY accurate frm multiple angles.. ESPECIALLY vs guys who like to come forward.
Because lets be honest thats the only reason that
fake as "truth" overwhelmed Algieri. Because he could just come forward and not have to worry about power.
Spence is naturally larger and stronger than Algieri. Spence started his career at Junior Middleweight...not 140 like Algieri. He's also MUCH stronger, much more powerful, younger, 1/2 inch shorter with the exact same reach of 72 inches. What are you talking about even comparing Spence and Algieri's physicality to each other knowing that Spence is much more physically imposing standing infront of Pacquiao than Algieri would be. PLUS Spence has Olympian/Elite Amateur pedigree in his foundation as a Boxer
As for the rest of this particular piece I quoted, it's a whole buncha hypothetical questions in there......and then we get to the REAL
You mad because Spence is the Truth, that now all of a sudden, you wanna hate the man?
Calling him "that fake a$$ truth" huh?
No, the reason Algieri was dominated and overwhelmed by Spence was his BODY WORK and his abilty to cut the ring off asap once he hurt Algieri...something that Pacquiao never had and never will have in his arsenal. If you watched the fight, you would know that instead of becoming a hater of Errol Spence because it only took him 13 minutes to accomplish what Manny couldn't accomplish in 36 minutes.
Only reason you're so confident in Spence over Manny is because you know the fight probably never takes place since Manny is done..
Im confident in either Spence OR Crawford vs Manny Pacquiao as I've said on numerous occasions.
Or maybe this is the same delusional confidence where you were willing to put up $500 that Adrian Broner would beat Pacquiao
Which one of em turned down the wasn't AB