And you putting them on, which is what I said I would need in order to watch a card featuring fighters I have no idea who they are
Between my own research, but mainly talking to yall over the past 2 years, I've been put on too so many fighters, Im able to

at leisure. Without #TheRing, I probably wouldnt know as many fighters as I do today.
@patscorpio hipped us to Herrera/provodnikov and a couple other fighters,
@krackdagawd has done the same for Loma, Felix Diaz, etc,
@synistr put Crawford on the map for me, and I can go on & on.
I cant recall the last time I watched a boxing match on TV featuring a card full of matchups featuring people I've never heard of before. That's all Im saying. Somehow, someway, I've been put on to somebody on that card which is why Im watching.
Yall dont remember me asking to be put on to Amir Imam a few months ago?