Stevenson did the same thing. He signed to fight on a date with no opponent named. Had Sho approved any of his think he would turn it down? Of course the fighter has to take the criticism....but dont act like you gonna be in their shoes turning down fights the network has already approved and have the checkbook ready for you.
Im not arguing turning down anything.
I understand it's better to make 750k vs the Rod Salka's of the world than 1.5 mill vs the Lucas Matthysse's of the world....being that Matthysse is a MUCH more dangerous fighter. However, that means nothing when we are discussing the fight from a fan perspective. You are arguing as if you are ACTUALLY a member of DSG Promotions, when you're just a fan of the sport at this time like we all are.
I dont care how much he makes when the Champion is fighting a guy who's closer to being ranked #150 in the world than he is to being ranked #1 in the the division beneath you, and then you drag said fighter up 2 divisions.......and THEN have the nerve to come in the ring as a Junior Middleweight your damn self while said fighter is only at 144lbs.
That's a parody of boxing and I dont have to accept that, just because it was "an easy night at the office" for Garcia. Why should we?
A Champion should NEVER face an opponent outside of the top 20 imo, unless they were coming off of ring rust, and that's not the case for Danny Garcia who's had a fight in September 2013 and then a fight in March 2014, before fighting Salka in August 2014.
We are arguing 2 different things. You're arguing with boxing fans about the business side of things.....and we dont care, especially when the fighter gets the final say so meaning they agreed to the matchup
The way you're portraying it, it seems to read to me, that Danny Garcia signed a contract to take on whoever, whenever. Just signed a contract to fight TBA and went up into the hills of the Allegheny Mountains to train hard, eat raw eggs, spar with meat in the freezer, ran the philadelphia library stairs and everything......not caring about who the opponent would be, just that he was "ready to Purge". He was expecting a monster to be waiting for him in the ring on August 9th, only to walk out the Brooklyn Nets dressing room of the Barclays Center, enter the ring, take off is mask, and see Rod Salka standing there
Nope. He knew what he was doing. Agreed to the fight and by doing so, agreed to accept the criticisms. Al Haymon did his job by getting him the easiest opponent for the most amount of money. Showtime did their job by showing his fight on their network. Garcia gets the blame for taking the fight the same way that Leo Santa Cruz is fighting the local school bus driver himself. Im not gonna blame Haymon for doing his job or Showtime for doing their's. Im gonna throw blame at the fighter that's accepting these parody fights and masquerading around like they had nothing to do with it when they have final say so on everything.