2x...and defending
The two fighters opponents talk trash about and then are in awe of after the fight is Floyd and Manny.It seems like in order for some boxers or fans to really respect Manny's skills, he has to personally kick your ass. Before they fight him it's all.....
Manny ain't wake up yet.
This little guy can't hurt me.
He has no jab or boxing skills. He just runs in and throws a bunch of punches.
Once they see the handspeed right in front of them it's..
Then they catch the 1st hard fade it's...
After the fight its."Manny still got it." "He's one of the best fighters in the world."
No one believes Floyd is that much better than them until they go toe to toe.
And no one understands Manny's combination of conditioning, speed, and power until they get out the ring.
Those two dudes are just different than the other guys around. That is why there will always be people wanting to watch the two of them fight.
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