Heeeeeeeeeeck yeah! Don't sleep,when your hand get hurt, punching is the LAST thing you want to do. Also fighting with tennis elbow and carpal tunnel.....
The first time you break your knuckle really bad like Jhonny did you're dumbfounded--b/c you've broken them all before theres just levels to that shyt
least favorite is boxing with a fukked up wrist god damn that's painful
Never broke a knuckle. Had major swelling tho. But tennis elbow is the reason why I was an alternate on the Marine Corps team. Got to the point wherei couldn't even extend my arm and it started to effect my fingers. Had major tingling sensations in my left ring fingern and pinky.
Sprained wrist on my best friend's forearm sparring about 12 years ago. I couldn't even hold a pencil.