The axe murderer
For I am death and I ride on a pale horse

The fact that he has a large following

Nope. Once a quitter always a quitter. A future loss or win will never erase that.
What about Duran to mention the first that springs in mind? The guy is almost universally adored by boxing fans today and usually ranked as a top 10 P4P ever even with the infamous No Mas.
And turning back the clock doesn't even mean he restores his old reputation, it means putting on one last performance late in your career that resembles your prime. Rigo is going into brawls nowadays, still winning but it does a disservice to him. Saying he'll turn back the clock is more wishful thinking than anything else but it's possible that he can win, Casimero better not sleep on him, Rigo can still counter the shyt out of you, especially if you are wide open like Casimero often is.
His combinations were beautiful
His combinations were beautiful
One of my all time favourite fightersHis combinations were beautiful
While these guys are skilled I feel like lack of power is more of a limiting factor than people think