Overall good ppv card, although Mell portion of the event seemed to drag along. Don't think it was worth $75 tho (more like $50) Glad I didn't pay for it, but I wouldn't have been pissed if I did. You got a good amount of fades.
Mell definitely top 10 p4p tho. He right up there with Josh Taylor imo. A lot of these other guys aren't getting into enough meaningful fights consistently to keep them there. (Bud, Canelo, Uysk)
I feel like Mall the better boxer now and Mell is the better puncher. I remember when it was reversed.
Payano was the surprise for me. He looked good against Roman and should have won or at least gotten the pbc draw special. He Winkied the 12th and I think that hurt him.
i dont think ive ever watched so much live boxing continuous in a long time..almost 12 hours