I think Arum is more to blame for Gamboa career short comings than 50 cent.
For whatever reason, Top Rank could never get Gamboa a marquee star making fight on even terms. The JuanMa fight not happening really hurt his career. That was supposed to be his era rival an it never happened. By the time 50 came into the picture he was already on the slide and the Bud fight was like the biggest easy to make fight at the time for him. Bud was obviously too big for dude and was ascending. Just bad circumstances having a bout like that be your potential break through fight.
If Gamboa doesn't take that fight, he prolly eventually loses to some lesser random since he was already small for 135 an inactive. It was only a matter of time.
For whatever reason, Top Rank could never get Gamboa a marquee star making fight on even terms. The JuanMa fight not happening really hurt his career. That was supposed to be his era rival an it never happened. By the time 50 came into the picture he was already on the slide and the Bud fight was like the biggest easy to make fight at the time for him. Bud was obviously too big for dude and was ascending. Just bad circumstances having a bout like that be your potential break through fight.
If Gamboa doesn't take that fight, he prolly eventually loses to some lesser random since he was already small for 135 an inactive. It was only a matter of time.