The Official “Blowed Up” (My web series) Thread - [EPISODE 5 OUT NOW!] WATCH/SUPPORT!

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
I think there are two big misconceptions people have:

1) "It's not what you know, it's WHO you know."
2) It's so hard to break into or do, so you may as well not even try

While #1 has some truth to it, there are a bunch of motherfukkers out here who don't want to work. Even if you luck up into crazy opportunities, there isn't anything that a person can do for you if you don't have a solid grind. As opposed to trying to get "discovered" or try to find that one mentor who will take me where I need to be, I just focus on trying to make dope shyt, because that one thing could make me a millionaire, or it could just put me one or two steps forward into another opportunity, or it could fukking suck, but I got valuable learning and experience from it.

But I go to so many networking functions and talk to people who have SO many ideas, but aren't actually writing. Everybody has ideas, but the people who treat it like a job that just happens to be high profile, as opposed to getting caught in the glitz and glamor are the ones who win. That kinda ties into #2...

Are the odds slim breaking into Hollywood? Absolutely. But it's not really like people would think because most people don't work or put themselves out there. Even as far as standup, open mics are brutal and long, but doing them all the time separates a comic from someone who just has a notepad and never puts themselves out there. And a lot of comics just hang out, smoke and chill, trying to make each other laugh as opposed to actually trying to legit propel themselves forward with goals.

Talent is important, sure, but one of my favorite comics, Bill Burr, said that it's not really what it's about. It's about a strong desire to actually do it and to never give up, as corny as that sounds. Because even if I post my shyt and everyone hates it, I can still find an audience that likes it and capitalize off of that. But if I give up, as opposed to figuring out how to do my thing, I'm just taking myself out the game.

This EXACT quote inspired me, as did your passion and determination to get your web series produced and put out there. I've come back to this thread so many times and have just marveled at you actually DOING what so many of us WISH we could do.

I have an announcement coming soon that was inspired in part, by this very thread. Can't say anything more but thanks to people like @True Blue Moon, there is PROOF that we can tell our own stories in whatever medium we choose as long as we have the desire to do so

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
Can you link the interview you did?

No clue breh. This was a minute ago but I haven't heard anything lol. Might follow up with the writer to see what happened with it.

Listening now...

The story about your high school girlfriend :wow:

Yeah breh and I didn't even go into great detail about it. It was a life lesson to grow on for sure :wow: :mjcry:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Flying out next week to finally get this thing going again :blessed:

Got to be a guest on a Dash Radio show yesterday and had the chance to plug the show. I'm really amped up to get back with it. Bout to get this thread active again, so appreciate the love brehs.

The adventures of Lerone and Terrence continue:wow:

Y'all shyt about to be on some How To Make It (Black) In America type Steeze:blessed:

True Blue Moon

May 2, 2012
VA. Living in the City of Angels
The adventures of Lerone and Terrence continue:wow:

Y'all shyt about to be on some How To Make It (Black) In America type Steeze:blessed:

It's a movement homie :wow:

Maaaaan, we had to push production back a few more weeks though. I'm pissed, but it's for the betterment of everyone's schedule and making the end result better so I can't be mad.

But turning shyt into sugar, bout to start a prequel series strictly for social media. One minute episodes a few times per week to build our following, stay in creative mode year round and grow the world a little more. I'm excited about that and it's easy stuff we can do even on different coasts.

How to Make it in America is a dope comparison because I loved that show and was mad at HBO for cancelling it.

I swear on everything season 1 of Blowed Up is gonna be complete before the end of the year even if it kills me homie.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
It's a movement homie :wow:

Maaaaan, we had to push production back a few more weeks though. I'm pissed, but it's for the betterment of everyone's schedule and making the end result better so I can't be mad.

But turning shyt into sugar, bout to start a prequel series strictly for social media. One minute episodes a few times per week to build our following, stay in creative mode year round and grow the world a little more. I'm excited about that and it's easy stuff we can do even on different coasts.

How to Make it in America is a dope comparison because I loved that show and was mad at HBO for cancelling it.

I swear on everything season 1 of Blowed Up is gonna be complete before the end of the year even if it kills me homie.


The ambition :wow: