The Official Black Conservatism Thread


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
The majority of black liberal rhetoric centers around Reparations in the form of Government welfare, not self sufficiency and sustainability. For if what your saying is the case then the black liberal elite would have been advocating for more empowerment based policies, not the increase of the welfare state. You'd never hear a black liberal say "For too long we had been spending too much money on liquor" as Jackie Robinson did for they would quickly be labeled as a c00n

:snoop: you know sound just like @Rev Jesse Lee Peterson right about now...

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CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen

You're just co-opting any concepts you feel are positive and labeling them "conservative".

:childplease: at "self-esteem" and "sustainability" somehow being "conservative" concepts. That's something somebody on FOX news would say.

GTFOH :stopitslime:

It is a basic conservative concept as it pertains to ideology for liberals believe that it is the job of the state to sustain its constituents.. Conservative ideology is the belief of self sustainability and minimal reliance of government


May 14, 2012
Bullshyt. Black republicans today are certified c00nS... Why would you vote for a party that works completely against your interests (when they're not too busy trying to disenfranchise you from voting)?
Putting token black or latino faces out there while spewing birther crap at Obama and "self-deportation for illegal aliens" at latinos won't change anything. It's about the policies, not the messengers.
Today, black folks either have to vote democrat or stay home. We just go with the lesser of evils. :rudy:
Of course, black people supported the GOP in the old days (it was the party of Emancipation!) The most racist folks in this country were southerners. Republicans were considered liberal northerners, while the South was solidly conservative democrat.
Then things changed dramatically in the 50s and 60s.
Despite the political risks, LBJ pushed for civil rights legislation, angering southern conservatives along the way (dems and dixiecrats)... JFK didn't do it earlier because he was too scared of losing the South.
The result? Them racist southern voters flocked to the desperate GOP, which was in disarray after LBJ won the 1964 election in a landslide over the segregationist Republican Barry Goldwater.
Is it a coincidence that Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina and other southern states went republican for the first time EVER in the 1960s and have remained so? In 1964, Mississippi went from solidly democrat to 86% republican after just ONE election cycle! What the fukk happened? You'd think the Civil Rights Act had nothing to do with this sudden switch?

The GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln in the 60s and became a Goldwater-Thurmond-Helms-Falwell-Nixon-Duke-Limbaugh-Reagan-Bush-Palin group. Why would any self-respecting black person associate with these bigots?
Do you honestly believe that men like Rockefeller, Everett Dirksen, Ike Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt or even Jackie Robinson would still feel at home in the current GOP? This is the party of Jefferson Davis now, not Lincoln.

Also, it's so funny when republicans keep referring to MLK to obliquely criticize black people. Conservatives absolutely DESPISED him when he was alive (especially William Buckley, Falwell, Reagan, Helms, Nixon and others who called him a dangerous communist)... but now that he's sanctified (and safely dead) some republicans are even trying to claim him (didn't he vote for JFK and LBJ?)
Sorry, but that shyt doesn't fly.

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The "best man" at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."
- MLK, July 16, 1964 (after segregationist Barry Goldwater won the GOP presidential nomination)
"The war has given the extreme right, the anti-labor, anti-Negro, and anti-humanistic forces a weapon of spurious patriotism to galvanize its supporters into reaching for power, right up to the White House. It hopes to use national frustration to take control and restore the America of social insecurity and power for the privileged. When a Hollywood performer, lacking distinction even as an actor can become a leading war hawk candidate for the Presidency, only the irrationalities induced by a war psychosis can explain such a melancholy turn of events."
- MLK, November 1967 (on Vietnam and Ronald Reagan)
"You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry… Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong…with capitalism… There must be a better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a Democratic Socialism."
"You start out in 1954 by saying, '******, ******, ******.' By 1968 you can't say '******' - that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites.
"And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me - because obviously sitting around saying, 'We want to cut this,' is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than '******, ******.'
- Lee Atwater, on the GOP's Southern Strategy


May 1, 2012
Bullshyt. Black republicans today are certified c00nS... Why would you vote for a party that works completely against your interests (when they're not too busy trying to disenfranchise you from voting)?
Putting token black or latino faces out there while spewing birther crap at Obama and "self-deportation for illegal aliens" at latinos won't change anything. It's about the policies, not the messengers.
Today, black folks either have to vote democrat or stay home. We just go with the lesser of evils. :rudy:
Of course, black people supported the GOP in the old days (it was the party of Emancipation!) The most racist folks in this country were southerners. Republicans were considered liberal northerners, while the South was solidly conservative democrat.
Then things changed dramatically in the 50s and 60s.
Despite the political risks, LBJ pushed for civil rights legislation, angering southern conservatives along the way (dems and dixiecrats)... JFK didn't do it earlier because he was too scared of losing the South.
The result? Them racist southern voters flocked to the desperate GOP, which was in disarray after LBJ won the 1964 election in a landslide over the segregationist Republican Barry Goldwater.
Is it a coincidence that Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina and other southern states went republican for the first time EVER in the 1960s and have remained so? In 1964, Mississippi went from solidly democrat to 86% republican after just ONE election cycle! What the fukk happened? You'd think the Civil Rights Act had nothing to do with this sudden switch?

The GOP stopped being the party of Lincoln in the 60s and became a Goldwater-Thurmond-Helms-Falwell-Nixon-Duke-Limbaugh-Reagan-Bush-Palin group. Why would any self-respecting black person associate with these bigots?
Do you honestly believe that men like Rockefeller, Everett Dirksen, Ike or even Teddy Roosevelt would still feel at home in the current GOP? This is the party of Jefferson Davis now, not Lincoln.

Also, it's so funny when republicans keep referring to MLK to obliquely criticize black people. Conservatives absolutely DESPISED him when he was alive (especially William Buckley, Falwell, Reagan, Helms, Nixon and others who called him a dangerous communist)... but now that he's sanctified (and safely dead) some republicans are even trying to claim him (didn't he vote for JFK and LBJ?)
Sorry, but that shyt doesn't fly.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
A thread telling black people to be conservative made by a white man with cac in their screen name. A fitting metaphor for the modern day "conservative movement. :heh:

:ufdup: Im more black than you you habibi monkey brain eating indian. Dont you ever in your life question my blackness again...Secondly no one is telling black people that they need to be conservative.. the point of this thread is that black people have historically been conservative.. so if you cant contribute to the thread fukk off

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
"Conservatism" has no meaning in this discussion because it is an imprecise term. The only reason we say "liberals" were pro slavery is because Democrats were pro-slavery at a time when most Dems were conservative and Republicans were more liberal.

All of the people you listed preached black self-esteem and self-reliance. Neither of those concepts is especially conservative.

Basically. The ts is an idiot because he's conflating self-reliance and hard work with conservatism which is short-sighted.

All conservatism essentially means at its core is adherence to traditional institutions and paradigms. Self-reliance and self-determination are not conservative principles, and having left-of-center views doesn't mean you are anti-self reliance.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
:ufdup: Im more black than you you habibi monkey brain eating indian. Dont you ever in your life question my blackness again...Secondly no one is telling black people that they need to be conservative.. the point of this thread is that black people have historically been conservative.. so if you cant contribute to the thread fukk off

Shut the fukk up. You are not black. No black man creates a screen name of CACtain Planet.

And you don't even know what conservatism means.


May 8, 2012
So are you saying there is no such thing blacks being conservative on certain issues?

I'm saying there's nothing conservative about the common thread between all of your "great black conservative thinkers" unless self-reliance has somehow been inherently conservative for as long as the idea has existed.

And this has nothing to do with democrats and republicans, as I stated in the first post. For even certain groups that were responsible for the Civil Rights movement in the 60's and aligned with democrats such as the SCLC were ideologically conservative at the core and used that ideologically to advocate for Civil rights.

...which is exactly why it has everything to do with Democrats and Republicans, because the pole shift in the late 60s/early 70s flipped traditional American alignments of liberal/conservative. Mainline conservative thought was generally anti-black and affiliated with the Democratic party. Black conservative alignment with Republicans happened at time when Republicans were comparatively liberal.

So all of your great thinkers would have been aligned with the mainstream ideological LEFT of the country for as long as they voted Republican. Which makes this whole thread stupid. Your great conservatives voted for big government, "let's have government get in bed with business", anti-states rights Republicans.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
So only black conservative idealogy have a monopoly on the idea where black people, "become producers, manufacturers, developers and creators of businesses, providers of jobs."? :childplease: You act like black people who are liberal don't want the same things. GTFOH

I have never heard any rhetoric about reparations come from any serious liberal black intellectual, you will have to point me to any serious discussions about that. And I don't want to see you say you hear it on the streets or some shyt.

What Welfare state are you talking about exactly? Are you talking about the welfare state that is trying to get education and training into poor black neighborhoods so that they can get a job or go to school and then build a business they want? Are you talking about the welfare state that is trying to increase medical insurance coverage so that black families don't have to worry about medical bills bankrupting them and not being able to afford school?

If the welfare state you are talking about is just welfare itself then I'm not sure where you are getting the information that black liberals are trying to increase the amount of black people on welfare. It's something a white conservative would say.

And Ironically the most welfare recipients comes from conservative red states.

"The Official Black Conservatism Thread"

A.K.A "One of the Good Ones" Thread

"Conservatism" has no meaning in this discussion because it is an imprecise term. The only reason we say "liberals" were pro slavery is because Democrats were pro-slavery at a time when most Dems were conservative and Republicans were more liberal.

All of the people you listed preached black self-esteem and self-reliance. Neither of those concepts is especially conservative.


You're just co-opting any concepts you feel are positive and labeling them "conservative".

:childplease: at "self-esteem" and "sustainability" somehow being "conservative" concepts. That's something somebody on FOX news would say.

GTFOH :stopitslime:

:snoop: you know sound just like @Rev Jesse Lee Peterson right about now...


A thread telling black people to be conservative made by a white man with cac in their screen name. A fitting metaphor for the modern day "conservative movement. :heh:

Carter G Woodson said:
"When you control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his actions. You do not have to tell him not to stand here or go yonder. He will find his 'proper place' and will stay in it. You do not need to send him to the back door. He will go without being told. In fact, if there is no back door, he will cut one for his special benefit. His education makes it necessary."

It so funny how I posted about the historical context of Black Conservatism ideology and immediately the brain washed jump in this thread defending their liberal democratic masters. Yall seriously belive their is no such thing as black conservatism? smh Carter G. Woodson forsaw this in the Miseducation of the Negro as I see on this board daily that negros are miseducated
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CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
Shut the fukk up. You are not black. No black man creates a screen name of CACtain Planet.

And you don't even know what conservatism means.

Motherfukker are you black? If not (which we know your not) then shut the fukk dam indians trying to tell a black man what they can and can't do... now kick rocks bytch


May 8, 2012
It so funny how I posted about the historical context of Black Conservatism ideology and immediately the brain washed jump in this thread defending their liberal democratic masters. Yall seriously belive their is no such thing as black conservatism? smh Carter G. Woodson forsaw this in the Miseducation of the Negro as I see on this board daily that negros are miseducated

It's funny how you're avoiding the fact that all of your heroes were on the left of the political spectrum in all of their respective eras, and how you're revising all of their opinions to fit some kind of "eternal conservatism" standard that doesn't exist and wasn't even dreamed into existence until 1982.