Chez Lopez
I have the Zondervan Encylopedia of the Bible Vols 1, 2, and 3. Im trying to get the whole collection, so I have A-L on iBooks, on my iphone. And check this out bro on this is a couple of sentences from Vol 1 A-C page 1320 under the word Angels:
`When refuting the SADDUCEES' argument against angels and RESSURECTION, Jesus stated that angels were not sexual and did not marry. He also pointed out their present superiority to human beings, ut said that people who are worth of the coming age "are like the angels. They are God's children since they are children of the ressurection. (Luke 20-30-36).
I understand why this doctrine is here, and I understand the Messiah Yahushas statements to the jews who were trying to stumble His message. Yahusha's states that after the resurrection the righteous will be as angels and will not marry, the question was if seven brothers all take the same wife, after one dying one after another, due to the law stating that if a womans husband dies she has the right to request her brother in law as husband in order to keep the family name going for their children. He states that she will be neither brothers wife, because in the resurrection they will be as angels who aren't given in marriage.
This is very complicated but remember that all of these iindividuals will be dead and resurrected and as angels they will not be married to eachother, they will be spirits in the kingdom. This is not the same situation as in genesis, because genesis states that the angels descended and took human wives, not marrying eachother. This was a transgression of the law that satans angels did, which gave rise to a giant race of genetically malformed human beings, both before the flood and after the flood. These angels were punished for this transgression of the law and expelled from heaven during the first expulsion. This is the reason why moses, Joshua, caleb and king david were chosen to destroy all of the remnant of these demonically enhanced tribes of people, the amorites, the anakim, the amalakites etc.
All ancient cultures including the bible report this same story, except from different veiwpoints. The greeks Egyptians, Persians, African nations, aboriginal nations, native American tribes, all nations all around the world all adhere to this doctrine, and most of these nations worshipped the giants as kingsand gods. the bible explains what actually happened, however, and designates these fallen angels as demons.
These events are still happening too, and explain the sexual nature of some reported 'alien abductions'. a brief look into ancient medieval culture reveals that all throughout history these unnatural advances took place, with demonic entities know as succubus and incubus. Biblical record, ancient record archelology and contemporary mythology all point to the same conclusion, even though this is a tough doctrine, it is completely biblical and explains a huge chunk of archeological misunderstanding