Religion/Spirituality The Official Bible Study Thread

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
The lineage has been diluted all throughout time. Im America white and black mixed, in Africa, surrounding different groups of black mixed. In the ancient times, the Yahudim (ancient Hebrews) mixed in with other tribes, as they were commanded not to do. This is part of the reason for the scattering, due to Hebrews becoming the cultures of their captives. The way we know today who is who, is by who can trace their lineage to a slave nation, and who is awakened to the truth, or 'called upon by Yahuah'. There are slaves, Hebrews, all over the world, those who realize it and turn to Yahuah will definitely be doing so by blood. The ones, who are the strangers, will also be considered like home born. This is the prophecy, that those who are His, will wake up, realize who they are, and return to Him.

What do you mean by slave nation? The nation slaves came from or the nation slaves were taken to?


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Are the 12 tribes African Ethnic Groups or are all Blacks of the world of a specific Tribe of Israel?

Most of the 12 tribes especially the northern kingdom were already gone before the southern kingdom was scattered out of Jerusalem in 70 AD. There is not such things as African ethnic groups. You need to drop those Edomite modern day terms because that is why people have a hard time understanding. There were/are multiple biblical nations that lived in the land of Ham: Mizraim, Cush, Phut, Canaan, Israel, Ishmael, Edom and later Elam all stay in the land of Ham now. Edomites were living in Africa going back to the Greek and Roman Empire, they stayed in parts of north Africa and Egypt during the time of Ptolemaic dynasty. Then later you have Edomites staying in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique, etc. Plus they they had colonial families that stayed in different countries during the colonial period. Arabs started settling there going as far back as 1300-1500 years ago. So you need to understand again that everybody that is "Africa" are not descendants of Ham, that is very easy to prove.

Looks is not what determines the tribes, it is about your father's seed line. Those that say they are all "black" are colorstruck and would accept Lenny Kravitz over Blake Griffin because they are carnal and not spiritual. The 12 tribes starting looking different even when were back in Israel before the different captivities that pulled us out of the land because of our disobedience to the Most High. If you look at map of the tribes, you will understand why they look different because when we would go to war against other nations, we take war spoils, which would be the women of the other nations, which is allowed by law. Those kids of these concubines would still be Israelites because they came from their father's seed (sperm) line. Certain tribes warred with certain nations more often. For example, Reuben, Gad and Massaseh warred with Ammon and Moab a lot because they bordered them. Those people are the Chinese and Japanese people. So, when these tribes would win their battles, they would take some of their women as concubines. This is the reason why the Gad (North American Indians) and Ruebun (Seminoles) tend to have some slanted eyes. The other northern tribes would also enter in war with these same nations as well as the Syrians that border them to the north and the same thing would happen. People need to understand that our nation in constant war for 600 years before our nation split into two.

The southern kingdom tended to war with the Canaanites and Philstines and when we would win wars were we would take some of their women as concubines and because those groups were Hamitic people, when we had kids with their women, our kids continued to stay darker skin. Every once in while if it was big war, the southern kingdom would get Moabite and Ammonite concubines, especially during the time of David and Solomon. Solomon's son Rehoboam's mother was an Ammonite and the Most High still had him anointed as King of Judah because again, the line is determined by the seed (sperm) line.

At the end of the day, for us Israelites it does not matter if you are Lebron James, if you do not return back to the Most High and excepted his Son. You are not going to make into the kingdom.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Black Americans come from tribes that are still in Africa, as in someone in the Ivory Coast shares a 5 gen removed great grandfather with someone in Chicago due to one of the grandfathers kids being captured. Is that person in Chicago not of the same tribe as their 5th+ cousin still in Africa?

That is a good question. You have some simple minded people that believe that if your your line does not go back to a man that was taken into slavery that you are not an Israelite. These same people also do no understand the seed lines and reincarnation. If you are an Israelite, even if your parents came from the land of Africa, you still more than likely served slavery in your past life in the Americas under the Edomites, that was a punishment that came on the whole nation. Even King David would have been required to serve slavery in the reincarnation just like a common man of Israel. hundreds of millions, possibly billions of different lifetimes served slavery in the Americas through reincarnation. Because as you said, if you had two brother, one taken into slavery and the other is left behind in Africa back in the 1600s, their descendants today in 2015 through their respective lines are still Israelites regardless of what part of the world that they are in. The Most High is a just and balanced power. He did not make life easier for the people that were left behind, when they died and came back in a new life, they also served slavery under these Edomites as it was a judgement that was put on the entire nation. When you understand reincarnation which is proven multiple times in the scriptures you begin to understand that the Most High will get you one way or another.

These Edomites and other nations that die in Babylon when the nuclear missiles hit will come back as slaves in the kingdom, nobody escapes the Most High's judgement. Judgments are handled out on earth.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
What do you mean by slave nation? The nation slaves came from or the nation slaves were taken to?

You are asking good questions. As you can see these guys have a hard time explaining things. I will actually do a lesson on this subject Most High willing. What tribe is your father's family from bro?

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
You are asking good questions. As you can see these guys have a hard time explaining things. I will actually do a lesson on this subject Most High willing. What tribe is your father's family from bro?

I use the terms "tribes" and "ethnic" group purely in the sense that we are speaking as people with "Western" primary educations, as Tribe in the literal sense doesn't mean much as the only thing truly different is the words in their languages which can be attributed to groups of people being farther from each other thus words becoming distorted.

That said, my father is Gio, and my mothers father is also Gio, Gio is a Mande Ethnic Group, the Mande Ethnic group is essentially the people who are from the land where the Mali, Ghana, and Songhai kingdoms were.

For example the "tribes" of the Mandingo and Vai, are the tribes Mansa Musa and the other "rulers" of these kingdoms belonged to as they dealt with the Arabs heavy. While the tribes are mainly Islamic from what my parents tell me the Vai tribe for example are heavy into "witchcraft" (in the sense of using science and energy for evil acts).

Historically I have not found anything regarding my tribe selling slaves, but for example I looked at a slave log going to Cuba in the 1800s and found a slave with my name. My tribe migrated from the Western Sudan to the coast (Primarily the Ivory Coast, Guinea and Northern Liberia).

When my tribe got to Liberia for example they pushed the Krumen ( a non Mande sub group of the Kru Ethnic Group) to the closer to the Coast of Liberia, and the Krumen ironically were big in working with Europeans in the Slave trade (they got their name because they were skilled sailors, thus being called "Crew men".

Pre Christian Missionaries/Islam coming into Africa my tribe always believed in the concept of a Single Creator, and a "Sprit" that was the "middle man" to the Creator.

The interesting is that Europeans will paint Africans as being animalistic and worshiping "False Gods" when many groups all believe in a Single Creator, and when they "pray" or have rituals they are showing thanks to the One Creator for the specific thing they are praying about.

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
Prepare for war. Bibi wins and he will not make an agreement. Israel will get hit hard soon. They will say the peace agreement is the only way. Israel will ask their friend America for help. America will say sign the agreement and divide Jerusalem. They will say "Peace and Safety"!

Thessalonians Chap 5 2:3 KJV
2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

America will be divided in two by a major earthquake.
Genesis 12:3 KJV
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Things are about to get worse. BTW
Revelation 16:12 KJV
And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Is the Euphrates fully dried up yet?

The Revelation that John presented in the Bible was referring to the Roman Empire that exiled him, and a lot of his descriptions refer to the Roman Empire and head of states. I think John was bitter and wrote it with a lot of rage, that's why the words sound so angry.

All throughout the rest of the New Testament it states the 2nd Coming is one of Resurrection with trumpets blowing.

Another thing Christians are afraid to admit, there are people who will enjoy Hell, because Hell is being away from God. The Godless would not care either way.


Believer in Jesus
May 19, 2012
The Revelation that John presented in the Bible was referring to the Roman Empire that exiled him, and a lot of his descriptions refer to the Roman Empire and head of states. I think John was bitter and wrote it with a lot of rage, that's why the words sound so angry.

All throughout the rest of the New Testament it states the 2nd Coming is one of Resurrection with trumpets blowing.

Another thing Christians are afraid to admit, there are people who will enjoy Hell, because Hell is being away from God. The Godless would not care either way.

I'm not afraid to admit that people would rather wallow in their own sin than turn to God even though they will end up in the lake of fire. I'm quite sure Bruce Jenner is happier than a clam right now and would not even consider rethinking the Gospel.

John was known as the disciple Jesus loved and was even laying on Jesus. I can't picture John writing with the Holy Spirt while being bitter and rage.

But the then current Roman Empire didn't fit what John wrote.
1.) Only the RCC was, stopped and came back that sits on seven hills.
2.) There have been 8 popes since The Lateran Treaty.
3.) Popes are just like kings.... their rule changes when they die.
4.) Benedict was an exception as he resigned.
5.) Francis did NOT get his own "coronation" due to Benedict still being alive. Thus he is the 8th and of the 7th as technically his rule is stepping on Benedicts toes.

Revelation 17 8-13 KJV
8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

Lastly the Euphrates has not been dry in any of recored history until our time now. The 6th trumpet requires it to be dry.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
I use the terms "tribes" and "ethnic" group purely in the sense that we are speaking as people with "Western" primary educations, as Tribe in the literal sense doesn't mean much as the only thing truly different is the words in their languages which can be attributed to groups of people being farther from each other thus words becoming distorted.

That said, my father is Gio, and my mothers father is also Gio, Gio is a Mande Ethnic Group, the Mande Ethnic group is essentially the people who are from the land where the Mali, Ghana, and Songhai kingdoms were.

For example the "tribes" of the Mandingo and Vai, are the tribes Mansa Musa and the other "rulers" of these kingdoms belonged to as they dealt with the Arabs heavy. While the tribes are mainly Islamic from what my parents tell me the Vai tribe for example are heavy into "witchcraft" (in the sense of using science and energy for evil acts).

Historically I have not found anything regarding my tribe selling slaves, but for example I looked at a slave log going to Cuba in the 1800s and found a slave with my name. My tribe migrated from the Western Sudan to the coast (Primarily the Ivory Coast, Guinea and Northern Liberia).

When my tribe got to Liberia for example they pushed the Krumen ( a non Mande sub group of the Kru Ethnic Group) to the closer to the Coast of Liberia, and the Krumen ironically were big in working with Europeans in the Slave trade (they got their name because they were skilled sailors, thus being called "Crew men".

Pre Christian Missionaries/Islam coming into Africa my tribe always believed in the concept of a Single Creator, and a "Sprit" that was the "middle man" to the Creator.

The interesting is that Europeans will paint Africans as being animalistic and worshiping "False Gods" when many groups all believe in a Single Creator, and when they "pray" or have rituals they are showing thanks to the One Creator for the specific thing they are praying about.

Cool. I am aware that Mande is conglomeration of various ethnic groups in that region and that they are all not the same people. There are two different Kru groups. The Krumen were the people that lived on the coast and did the trading. The Kru were people that lived in the interior lands and that were traded. These are two very distinct groups. Akan/Ashanti is also another pan tribal identity as well. Esau is all about bring Pan tribal identities to confuse everything. That is why we stress the importance of someone believing in the Word as it is written. Believing that you are an Israelite and are in need of deliver, and understanding that this is not your rest is all about Faith. Its not something that we can force someone into at the end of the day.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
What do you mean by slave nation? The nation slaves came from or the nation slaves were taken to?
Dont listen to him. Dude completely changes his viewpoints daily.

This is a Jacobs family tree:

Judah and Issachar come from the same mom and dad. Yet these bugout s@Marvel and @ReturnOfJudah want you to believe that one came out to resemble a modern day black american and the other one came out to resemble a modern day mexican today. :mjlol:
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Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
I use the terms "tribes" and "ethnic" group purely in the sense that we are speaking as people with "Western" primary educations, as Tribe in the literal sense doesn't mean much as the only thing truly different is the words in their languages which can be attributed to groups of people being farther from each other thus words becoming distorted.

That said, my father is Gio, and my mothers father is also Gio, Gio is a Mande Ethnic Group, the Mande Ethnic group is essentially the people who are from the land where the Mali, Ghana, and Songhai kingdoms were.

For example the "tribes" of the Mandingo and Vai, are the tribes Mansa Musa and the other "rulers" of these kingdoms belonged to as they dealt with the Arabs heavy. While the tribes are mainly Islamic from what my parents tell me the Vai tribe for example are heavy into "witchcraft" (in the sense of using science and energy for evil acts).

Historically I have not found anything regarding my tribe selling slaves, but for example I looked at a slave log going to Cuba in the 1800s and found a slave with my name. My tribe migrated from the Western Sudan to the coast (Primarily the Ivory Coast, Guinea and Northern Liberia).

When my tribe got to Liberia for example they pushed the Krumen ( a non Mande sub group of the Kru Ethnic Group) to the closer to the Coast of Liberia, and the Krumen ironically were big in working with Europeans in the Slave trade (they got their name because they were skilled sailors, thus being called "Crew men".

Pre Christian Missionaries/Islam coming into Africa my tribe always believed in the concept of a Single Creator, and a "Sprit" that was the "middle man" to the Creator.

The interesting is that Europeans will paint Africans as being animalistic and worshiping "False Gods" when many groups all believe in a Single Creator, and when they "pray" or have rituals they are showing thanks to the One Creator for the specific thing they are praying about.
what you will need to understand is that there are many tribes who existed side by side with Israel. these tribes were ALL black, white people groups are not represented in the bible until the MESSIANIC period. Rome was even dark skinned, as being conquered by Carthage in ancient times. So you are dealing with SIGNIFICANT mixtures.

What you will want to stay away from is the tendancy to promote black vs white stereotypes. This is a MODERN interpretation, as there were blacks and whites in most tribes, not divided by their color but by which deity they worshipped. There were indeed light skinned, even all white Israelites, and Edomites, or the descendants of esau were all black. the notion that esau is the white man in ancient times is ridiculous and a false teaching

White is not a natural distinction, it is a adaptation, even occurring in all black nations as albinism or ancient leprosy. Even NOAH was described as albino in the book of Enoch. The most distinct quality to recognize who you are is WHO YOU ARE CALLED BY. Europeans as we know them now, were few and far between in the bible, barely making an appearance until very late.You must remember that spain was ruled by muslims until columbus' time, the 'black world' was total. It was never a black or white thing, that is merely the dichotomy that the devil wants to pursue.

If you are called to Yahuah, the Creator, then read the bible and begin to learn Hebrew. You will find that in your 'tribes' language, will be a massive amount of Hebrew terms, because these terms are in every language, in every nation, and in every community all around the world, because it is the original language. The world 'holy' in Hebrew Qadash' means 'set apart' and the word righteous, or zadak means upright or just, as in walking in the commands. This what we must strive for.

Titus 3

' 8This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in Alaheim might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.'

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
what you will need to understand is that there are many tribes who existed side by side with Israel. these tribes were ALL black, white people groups are not represented in the bible until the MESSIANIC period. Rome was even dark skinned, as being conquered by Carthage in ancient times. So you are dealing with SIGNIFICANT mixtures.

What you will want to stay away from is the tendancy to promote black vs white stereotypes. This is a MODERN interpretation, as there were blacks and whites in most tribes, not divided by their color but by which deity they worshipped. There were indeed light skinned, even all white Israelites, and Edomites, or the descendants of esau were all black. the notion that esau is the white man in ancient times is ridiculous and a false teaching

White is not a natural distinction, it is a adaptation, even occurring in all black nations as albinism or ancient leprosy. Even NOAH was described as albino in the book of Enoch. The most distinct quality to recognize who you are is WHO YOU ARE CALLED BY. Europeans as we know them now, were few and far between in the bible, barely making an appearance until very late.You must remember that spain was ruled by muslims until columbus' time, the 'black world' was total. It was never a black or white thing, that is merely the dichotomy that the devil wants to pursue.

If you are called to Yahuah, the Creator, then read the bible and begin to learn Hebrew. You will find that in your 'tribes' language, will be a massive amount of Hebrew terms, because these terms are in every language, in every nation, and in every community all around the world, because it is the original language. The world 'holy' in Hebrew Qadash' means 'set apart' and the word righteous, or zadak means upright or just, as in walking in the commands. This what we must strive for.

Titus 3

' 8This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in Alaheim might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.9 But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.'

Funny you mention that, My Moms brother (RIP) Translated the Bible into our native Dialect to teach it to the older people of their village as those people couldn't read.

Other names for this language are: Da, Dan, Gio, Gio-Dan, Gyo, Yacouba, Yakuba

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Funny you mention that, My Moms brother (RIP) Translated the Bible into our native Dialect to teach it to the older people of their village as those people couldn't read.

Other names for this language are: Da, Dan, Gio, Gio-Dan, Gyo, Yacouba, Yakuba

Sorry for the loss of your uncle, but he did a tremendous effort. I will watch the video, but off the top of my head there are several connections with those three basic names. Da/dan of course has connection to the tribe of dan. Gio, Gyo has a connection to the Hebrew for Geho, a common term used in the ancient english or german for Yahu, short for the full correct pronunciation for the Name of the Creator, Yahuah. The valley of Gehosephat or Jehosephat is actually Yahushaphat, which means Yahu judges, this also corresponds to the Jeho-vah pronunciation. And of course Yacob is Jacob. Cheers bro you are on the right track.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Sorry for the loss of your uncle, but he did a tremendous effort. I will watch the video, but off the top of my head there are several connections with those three basic names. Da/dan of course has connection to the tribe of dan. Gio, Gyo has a connection to the Hebrew for Geho, a common term used in the ancient english or german for Yahu, short for the full correct pronunciation for the Name of the Creator, Yahuah. The valley of Gehosephat or Jehosephat is actually Yahushaphat, which means Yahu judges, this also corresponds to the Jeho-vah pronunciation. And of course Yacob is Jacob. Cheers bro you are on the right track.

Yea my uncle died before I was born, but he was a radio personality in Liberia for a Christian Radio Station, while I do not like the idea of White Missionaries being in Africa, my Uncle put in work when it came to the message of God. My main gripe is that being that Africans pass down history Orally, it is easy for history to be distorted (as it has been).


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Dont listen to him. Dude completely changes his viewpoints daily.

This is a Jacobs family tree:

Judah and Issachar come from the same mom and dad. Yet these bugout s@Marvel and @ReturnOfJudah want you to believe that one came out to resemble a modern day black american and the other one came out to resemble a modern day mexican today. :mjlol:

:pachaha: You are the bugout. Do you realize that Judah and Issachar lived on opposite sides of the land of Israel and they bordered different nations? Issachar was in the land of Israel for about 700 years leading up to the Assyrian captivity. During that time all of Israel was involved in many wars and part of our law allows us to take women of other nations as spoil and we had Israelite sons and daughter with these women because the man determines the nationality of the kid and the northern kingdom usually fought the Syrians and Assyrians a lot. They also fought Moab and Ammon which would be your modern day East Asians today. So, the look of the tribe changed over the 700 years that they were there. And if you notice that the natives of the northern kingdom carry a blended look that looks Syrian, East Asian and so-called negro features. That is why Issachar looks different todayeven though their forefather, the patriarch Issachar and the patriarch Jacob had the same mother. You are not deep to understand that that is how the Most High set it up. You do not believe in prophecies because you do not have the spirit of Yahawah bahasham Yahawashi.

Do you even know what Issachar means in the hebrew and how it fits the so-called Mexicans today perfectly? The Most High is not concerned about making all the tribes all look the same like a line of T-1000s in Terminator. You nikkas are carnal as hell and only care about the outward appearance of the tribes because deep down y'all are really black unconscious nikkas still.