We're on the blood path now
No doubt The first verse speaks to me because I like how Jesus basically days that no matter what you do, people are going to talk shyt about you. You can never please people and they will always have an idea on who you should be. Here we have the Messiah spreading his teachings to the people that really needed it, yet all the so called teachers (pharisees) talked shyt on him. But wisdom is proven right by her. Children, meaning you should judge someone by the fruit of their labors.1)This is a good verse. This goes along with Mark 2:16-17.
2)Book of Job Talk about faith and perseverance. This verse in particular though says it all ,everything starts with Him if your spirit aint right nothing else will be (Physical, Mental). There has to be a relationship
3)This last one, slothfulness doesn't pay. God made us to be productive.
On these favorites
The second verse speaks to me because the verse was enacted in a dream I had. In the dream I was following some woman who was following some white orb (looked like a mini white sun) as we walked on a golden road. The woman was talking to the orb. When I got closer to her I could hear her say, "yes, neshima, I understand." Neshima/neshama means spirit in hebrew. So basically in the dream the woman was receiving inspiration and guidance from the holy spirit. When I woke up I looked up the meaning of the word and that verse came up.
The third verse speaks to me bc, like you alluded to, the lazier you are, the more you out yourself in a vulnerable position.