Souljah inna Jah Army
Even government documents, Including old newspaper articles during the slavery period says it too. In the US show that they were a tribe that was brought over heavily to the USA for slavery. There are even whole books written by scholars specially on Igbos being sold into slavery in North America. That would make us Judah according to according to the prophecies,
There was an Igbo kingdom called Nri that fell in the early 17th century and the Benin Empire to the west of it, took a lot of our people and sold them intro slavery to the so -called white man through the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra. The time period coincides with the first bulk of slaves that ended being brought to Jamestown,Virginia in 1619 which all US slave documents and narratives fit the timeline...they called the people Heebos, then later Ibos which is a broken way of saying Ibar means hebrew. Ibar is the ancient pronunciation but the other tribes called us Ibo because they knew that we were hebrews. They were not confused about who they were trading to Esau.
Igbos were among the only tribes ina ll of Africa that kept circumcision. Before Esau took over Nigeria, if a man died childless, his next of kin had to marry their widowed wife. I have relatives that came out of such unions after the civil war in the 1960s when some of our men died.
Yet, you are not concerned that many of our people here in Babylon refuse to keep not one Israelite custom, yet we still call them Israelites because we know that they are going off since we are not back in our homeland. That is the case with many scattered Israelites that have not woke up to the Knowledge.
My dad does not eat unclean foods because they was how he was taught, he did not know that was keeping the dietary law, it was custom for him to eat that way. My mother did not grow up in a house where they kept the dietary laws.
You still do not understand why our people went into slavery. Our people were going off and keeping the customs of the nations around us. it is that simple. You think Most High destroyed our kingdoms in Africa and has some of our people sold into slavery while we were keeping the commandments? The Most High waits until we are at the peak of going off, then he brings his judgement.
There were 4 major slave trading empires in West Africa from Ghana all the way to Cameroon: Ashanti Empire, Oyo Empire, Dahomey Empire and the Benin Empire. None these people were Igbo, this is well documented.
SMFH I know about the 4 major slave trading empires.
Stop dancing around the question: "If Igbos are Judah, then WHY didn't they go into slavery in ships like the other Judah? Why did some go into slave ships and the others stayed there? The igbos that stayed must have been hamites! I'm specifically referring to the igbos that stayed in africa. Something must have been different about them.
WTF does igbo following Hebrew customs have to do with anything? The fake european Jews get circumsized. Also did you know that most Jamaican /west indian men are NOT circumsized? Jamaicans are obviously israelites. Also Judah is not supposed to know his history, religion, name, heritage, etc.
It seems like Igbos are no different than the European/israeli jews.
Its official @Marvel is a hamite
@ReturnOfJudah @jjj123 what yall think about this? Notice he doesn't specifically answer a very simple question... If yall know the answer can you explain it me?
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