Religion/Spirituality The Official Bible Study Thread


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Even government documents, Including old newspaper articles during the slavery period says it too. In the US show that they were a tribe that was brought over heavily to the USA for slavery. There are even whole books written by scholars specially on Igbos being sold into slavery in North America. That would make us Judah according to according to the prophecies,

There was an Igbo kingdom called Nri that fell in the early 17th century and the Benin Empire to the west of it, took a lot of our people and sold them intro slavery to the so -called white man through the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra. The time period coincides with the first bulk of slaves that ended being brought to Jamestown,Virginia in 1619 which all US slave documents and narratives fit the timeline...they called the people Heebos, then later Ibos which is a broken way of saying Ibar means hebrew. Ibar is the ancient pronunciation but the other tribes called us Ibo because they knew that we were hebrews. They were not confused about who they were trading to Esau.
:heh: Igbos were among the only tribes ina ll of Africa that kept circumcision. Before Esau took over Nigeria, if a man died childless, his next of kin had to marry their widowed wife. I have relatives that came out of such unions after the civil war in the 1960s when some of our men died.

Yet, you are not concerned that many of our people here in Babylon refuse to keep not one Israelite custom, yet we still call them Israelites because we know that they are going off since we are not back in our homeland. That is the case with many scattered Israelites that have not woke up to the Knowledge.

My dad does not eat unclean foods because they was how he was taught, he did not know that was keeping the dietary law, it was custom for him to eat that way. My mother did not grow up in a house where they kept the dietary laws.

You still do not understand why our people went into slavery. Our people were going off and keeping the customs of the nations around us. it is that simple. You think Most High destroyed our kingdoms in Africa and has some of our people sold into slavery while we were keeping the commandments? The Most High waits until we are at the peak of going off, then he brings his judgement.

There were 4 major slave trading empires in West Africa from Ghana all the way to Cameroon: Ashanti Empire, Oyo Empire, Dahomey Empire and the Benin Empire. None these people were Igbo, this is well documented.

SMFH I know about the 4 major slave trading empires.

Stop dancing around the question: "If Igbos are Judah, then WHY didn't they go into slavery in ships like the other Judah? Why did some go into slave ships and the others stayed there? The igbos that stayed must have been hamites! I'm specifically referring to the igbos that stayed in africa. Something must have been different about them.

WTF does igbo following Hebrew customs have to do with anything? The fake european Jews get circumsized. Also did you know that most Jamaican /west indian men are NOT circumsized? Jamaicans are obviously israelites. Also Judah is not supposed to know his history, religion, name, heritage, etc.

It seems like Igbos are no different than the European/israeli jews.

Its official @Marvel is a hamite
@ReturnOfJudah @jjj123 what yall think about this? Notice he doesn't specifically answer a very simple question... If yall know the answer can you explain it me?
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
My bad, that part was a typo. I meant to say "you said the most high isn't dealing with US", not woman.
Now answer this:

So, you are saying if you do not make it on a slave ship, you are not an Israelite. I guess Moses was not an Israelite since he did not serve hard bondage like the Most High told Abraham would happen to his people, right? The simple stay simple.

You really think, whole families of Israelites in Africa were taken into captivity? Have you not read books with narratives from slaves that talk about how they had parents and siblings that were left behind? Some people rebelled and were killed and thrown off of ships. All kinds of chaos was occurring during the slave trade era.

There is something called reincarnation, something you might not believe in. One way or another in a past life...both you and I served captivity. This is not our first go around. You can be brought back through any of your ancestors lines. There is no remembrance of things past just like it written in Ecclesiastes. That may be too deep for you because you are still struggling to digest milk at this time.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
So, you are saying if you do not make it on a slave ship, you are not an Israelite. I guess Moses was not an Israelite since he did not serve hard bondage like the Most High told Abraham would happen to his people, right? The simple stay simple.

You really think, whole families of Israelites in Africa were taken into captivity? Have you not read books with narratives from slaves that talk about how they had parents and siblings that were left behind? Some people rebelled and were killed and thrown off of ships. All kinds of chaos was occurring during the slave trade era.

There is something called reincarnation, something you might not believe in. One way or another in a past life...both you and I served captivity. This is not our first go around. You can be brought back through any of your ancestors lines. There is no remembrance of things past just like it written in Ecclesiastes. That may be too deep for you because you are still struggling to digest milk at this time.
Dont go off topic. Again, the Igbos that remained in africa: what prophecies do they fit? What curses? Why did they get to keep their last names?

Also dont twist my words. We know that moses is an israelite, he didn't have to go into slavery via ships because THAT WAS A FUTURE PROPHECY. You and I both know. Your games aint gonna work with me. Answer the question hamite.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
SMFH I know about the 4 major slave trading empires.

Stop dancing around the question: "If Igbos are Judah, then WHY didn't they go into slavery in ships like the other Judah? Why did some go into slave ships and the others stayed there? The igbos that stayed must have been hamites! I'm specifically referring to the igbos that stayed in africa. Something must have been different about them.

WTF does igbo following Hebrew customs have to do with anything? The fake european Jews get circumsized. Also did you know that most Jamaican /west indian men are NOT circumsized? Jamaicans are obviously israelites. Also Judah is not supposed to know his history, religion, name, heritage, etc.

It seems like Igbos are no different than the European/israeli jews.

Its official @Marvel is a hamite
@ReturnOfJudah @jjj123 what yall think about this? Notice he doesn't specifically answer a very simple question... If yall know the answer can you explain it me?

Did I not just tell you that some people kept certain customs and some didn't? We all lost the knowledge that we were Israelites. That is easy to do when we haver been away from the land of Israel so long. Circumcision was chronicled in this book by a taken into slavery to the Americas. He said that his captors were not circumcised like his people is written in the very autobiography an Igbo man that actually rode the slave ships to the Americas.

Are you going to condemn his as following the fake Jews because he says his people were circumcised? You guys are again are reprobates. The passover is coming, judge whether or not you have the things needed to keep it and how to keep. Bet that is not something that you are concerned about.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Did I not just tell you that some people kept certain customs and some didn't? We all lost the knowledge that we were Israelites. That is easy to do when we haver been away from the land of Israel so long. Circumcision was chronicled in this book by a taken into slavery to the Americas. He said that his captors were not circumcised like his people is written in the very autobiography an Igbo man that actually rode the slave ships to the Americas.

Are you going to condemn his as following the fake Jews because he says his people were circumcised? You guys are again are reprobates. The passover is coming, judge whether or not you have the things needed to keep it and how to keep. Bet that is not something that you are concerned about.

The spin is pathetic
So your an israelite just because you practice israelite customs? You know exactly what i'm getting at, and everyone can see it as well. Your only claim that the igbos that remained in Africa are Judah because they followed customs such as being circumsized and following a few broad hebrew customs... I pointed out the fake jews to CLEARLY show you that just because you follow israelite customs, that does NOT make you an israelite by blood. Apparently Igbos fall into that category.

I just told you that MOST Jamaican/west indian men are NOT circumsized. I repeat: most Jamaican/West Indian men are NOT circumsized. Yet Jamaicans and west indians are clearly israelites.

You still can't clearly and simply say how the Igbos that remained in africa are Judah. They fit none of the prophecies, none of the curses, and they clearly got to keep their name.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Dont go off topic. Again, the Igbos that remained in africa: what prophecies do they fit? What curses? Why did they get to keep their last names?

Also dont twist my words. We know that moses is an israelite, he didn't have to go into slavery via ships because THAT WAS A FUTURE PROPHECY. You and I both know. Your games aint gonna work with me. Answer the question hamite.

:pacaha: Stay mad. Moses was not afflicted with hard bondage. Igbos do not have power in Nigeria...we are under the curses just like Jakes over here. There is a prophecy in lamentations that we would suffer a famine. When did the people here suffered a famine? They never did. But you know who did. The Igbos who are Israelites did during the Biafran Civil War.

Lamentation 5
10 Our skin was black like an oven because of the terrible famine.

But someone like you would not be able to put two and two together to match prophecies. Doctors without Borders was created because of the famine in Biafra.

Many prophecies that are in lamentations such as our women turning into bad mothers did not come to pass until the late 60s with rise of feminism, abortion rights, welfare reform which destroyed many of our women. Similar to the Book of Obadiah when Edom set their nest among the stars, another prophecy that did not come to pass until the late 60s. That is also the time when Abba Bivens started to push the Truth in New York. You do not even know that he was fulfilling the beginning of the valley of the dry bones prophecy in Ezekiel 37...which began to occur again in the late 60s.

These are all prophecies that are too deep for you. While I and other men like @ReturnOfJudah prepare for the passover. You are just giving us more of a reason to be thankful to the Most High and His Son that he has given us this knowledge. We hope that one day you will get there but that is not going to be up to us.


Nov 25, 2014
The only reasonable explination I can see as why some would still be in that land and not into slavery is because they intermarried with the heathen or converted to the religion of the heathens in Africa. They probably just all together disowned being an Israelite and assimilated with Hammites (which is a sin).


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
The only reasonable explination I can see as why some would still be in that land and not into slavery is because they intermarried with the heathen or converted to the religion of the heathens in Africa. They probably just all together disowned being an Israelite and assimilated with Hammites (which is a sin).

These guys are very simple. They think that every single last Israelite was put on the ships. The falls of our kingdoms in Africa and in Europe happened because we were going off....that is the only way that the Most High can be justified in bringing in the judgement. The Most High brought the judgement because our people sinned. Our people as whole were following Hamite customs or worshiping their gods. We did the same thing in the land of Israel, how much more in the land of Ham. We have to humble ourselves and understand that we were not being faithful as a nation to the Most High when all this happened.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
:pacaha: Stay mad. Moses was not afflicted with hard bondage. Igbos do not have power in Nigeria...we are under the curses just like Jakes over here. There is a prophecy in lamentations that we would suffer a famine. When did the people here suffered a famine? They never did. But you know who did. The Igbos who are Israelites did during the Biafran Civil War.

But someone like you would not be able to put two and two together to match prophecies. Doctors without Borders was created because of the famine in Biafra.

Many prophecies that are in lamentations such as our women turning into bad mothers did not come to pass until the late 60s with rise of feminism, abortion rights, welfare reform which destroyed many of our women. Similar to the Book of Obadiah when Edom set their nest among the stars, another prophecy that did not come to pass until the late 60s. That is also the time when Abba Bivens started to push the Truth in New York. You do not even know that he was fulfilling the beginning of the valley of the dry bones prophecy in Ezekiel 37...which began to occur again in the late 60s.

These are all prophecies that are too deep for you. While I and other men like @ReturnOfJudah prepare for the passover. You are just giving us more of a reason to be thankful to the Most High and His Son that he has given us this knowledge. We hope that one day you will get there but that is not going to be up to us.
Keep exposing yourself.
So they are israelites because they experienced famine??? Do you know how many African countries/tribes experienced famine? Ethopian experienced a great famine but you dont consider them to be israelites. All of these nations went into slavery:
Are they all israelites?

nikka i know many nigerians. Igbos have everything except political power. They have wealth, education, power (not political)etc. They are more well of then blacks in the states/islands/south america. You know how many african tribes DONT have political power? The usual suspects dominate politics. Are all these tribes that dont have political power israelites?

Jamaicans have political power. So just does haiti. Again we are undeniably israelites. So that proves what exactly??

Also i'm referring specifically to JUDAH as going into slave ships. I know that not all tribes went into slavery via ships. like the northern kingdom for example. Igbos that are in africa today, do NOT fit the propchecy and curses

Also you claim the yoruba tribe are not israelites yet many slaves are documented as coming from the yoruba tribe. Many afro cubans descend from yoruba ppl and still practice yoruba customs. we know afro cubans are israelites, but since they practicing yoruba customs does that also make yoruba people IN AFRICA israelites? See my point? Your a hypocrite. You try to bend things to fit your Igbo tribe. IF you dont consider the yoruba tribe israelite then you CAN NOT consider the Igbo to be israelite.

Also bad mothers? Thats laughable. Give me something undeniable and specific. Stop being so wordy and saying a whole lot of nothing. Yuh nah go fool yardies.
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Keep exposing yourself.
So they are israelites because they experienced famine??? Do you know how many African countries/tribes experienced famine? Ethopian experienced a great famine but you dont consider them to be israelites.

nikka i know many nigerians. Igbos have everything except political power. They have wealth, education, power (not political)etc. They are more well of then blacks in the states/islands/south america.

Jamaicans have political power. So just does haiti. Again we are undeniably israelites. So that proves what exactly?
So weak.

Also i'm referring specifically to JUDAH as going into slave ships. I know not all tribes went into slavery via ships. like the northern kingdom for example. Igbos that are in africa today, do NOT fit the propchecy and curses

Also bad mothers? Thats laughable. Give me something undeniable.

Did you know that Elam was scattered too? Do you even know who Elam is today how much more who are Israelites?

Jeremiah 49
36 And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.

Just because something happens to one group does not mean it would not happen to another group. The Most High have different judgement for different antions, some of those judgments are similar to ours.

You do realize that the Igbos here in Babylon represent less than 1% of all of all Igbos in Africa. You would really be stretching it to say that the 1% represents all the people. Half of my parents income goes back to help their people suffering there. Many came here because they had student parents school fees were paid by people in their small town donating the little they had because they knew that there would be a return on their investment. What you are seeing here is an extremely small minority that were able to make it.

I had two uncles that were in federal prison in the 80s for selling heroine and crack because they were tempted to try and help their people across the pond. You see many of our men here struggling, driving taxis to make it here.

Even back in the Roman captivity their were Israelites that were educated and well off, that did not make them any less Israelite. There are brothers in the is Truth that are doctors that grew up middle class. Y'all would be the same ones rejecting Moses because he grew up rich and was not in bondage.

You have people among African-Americans that are doing well, in fact it is more than 1% that are living an upper middle class to upper class life. So what you are saying is nothing. In fact, people from the West Indies tend to do way better than African-Americans and many call African-Americans lazy which is off. Does that means that they are not under the curses as well.

Are the Jamaicans and Bahamians that are living in the Caribbean being packed into prison by Esau. Is Esau killing them over there and holding themselves not guilty?

So again, you would be very simple to say that because they are not going through that, that they are not Israelites.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Did you know that Elam was scattered too? Do you even know who Elam is today how much more who are Israelites?

Just because something happens to one group does not mean it would not happen to another group. The Most High have different judgement for different antions, some of those judgments are similar to ours.

You do realize that the Igbos here in Babylon represent less than 1% of all of all Igbos in Africa. You would really be stretching it to say that the 1% represents all the people. Half of my parents income goes back to help their people suffering there. Many came here because they had student parents school fees were paid by people in their small town donating the little they had because they knew that there would be a return on their investment. What you are seeing here is an extremely small minority that were able to make it.

I had two uncles that were in federal prison in the 80s for selling heroine and crack because they were tempted to try and help their people across the pond. You see many of our men here struggling, driving taxis to make it here.

Even back in the Roman captivity their were Israelites that were educated and well off, that did not make them any less Israelite. There are brothers in the is Truth that are doctors that grew up middle class. Y'all would be the same ones rejecting Moses because he grew up rich and was not in bondage.

You have people among African-Americans that are doing well, in fact it is more than 1% that are living an upper middle class to upper class life. So what you are saying is nothing. In fact, people from the West Indies tend to do way better than African-Americans and many call African-Americans lazy which is off. Does that means that they are not under the curses as well.

Are the Jamaicans and Bahamians that are living in the Caribbean being packed into prison by Esau. Is Esau killing them over there and holding themselves not guilty?

So again, you would be very simple to say that because they are not going through that, that they are not Israelites.
Not good enough. Chinese triads sold massive amounts of heroin, lived in poverty before slangin that, smuggled illegal immigrants etc. Are they israelites because of that?

Also you claim the yoruba tribe are not israelites yet many slaves are documented as coming from the yoruba tribe. Many afro cubans descend from yoruba ppl and still practice yoruba customs. we know afro cubans are israelites, but since they practicing yoruba customs does that also make yoruba people IN AFRICA israelites?

See my point? Your a hypocrite. You try to bend things to fit your Igbo tribe. IF you dont consider the yoruba tribe israelite then you CAN NOT consider the Igbo to be israelite.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
This same thing happen in the Oyo Empire among the Yoruba who are also Canaanites. They took over much territory that the Yoruba language became the langua francia (common commerce language) among other tribes that they sold into slavery or held captive. So you have people that have Yoruba names, call themselves Yoruba and they have no idea that they are not Yoruba and that their line goes back to Jacob and not Canaan.

The Yoruba info is not true. The Yorubas were major slave traders through their Oyo Empire. The Oyo Empire is one of the more well documented empires in the slave trade in part because their leaders were known to take trips to Europe during the slave trade. Contrary to what you have been taught that tribes trading their own people....false. Certain groups were set up to trading other groups, they were not trading their own people for 300 years. It was not some free for all, every man for himself. That is why when you look at old documents on the slave trade it always said that Africans sold Negroes. The Europeans knew that those were two different groups. Selling your own people by the tens of millions would be the definition of hustling backwards. There is actually a document with names and the tribes of slaves from various slave ships on another thread. I went though pages and it up to a 1000+ names before I stopped and did not find one documented Yoruba.

believe that Yorubas are among many difference tribes that in ancient world would be referred to as Phoenicians/Canaanites. The Canaanites were instrumental in trade between the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe in the ancient world before Esau push them and Israelites out of the land into what us know called Africa. They were lived next to the Israelites and they always did business with each other. Even though the Canannites were not Hebrew, they spoke Hebrew because they lived by the Israelites. That is why if you look up the Paleo-Hebrew and the Phoenician alphabet, its the same.
Also you claim the yoruba tribe are not israelites yet many slaves are documented as coming from the yoruba tribe. Many afro cubans descend from yoruba ppl and still practice yoruba customs. we know afro cubans are israelites, but since they practicing yoruba customs does that also make yoruba people IN AFRICA israelites? See my point? Your a hypocrite. You try to bend things to fit your Igbo tribe. IF you dont consider the yoruba tribe israelite then you CAN NOT consider the Igbo to be israelite.

Lets examine the facts:
Assata Shakur lives in cuba. She talks about cubans in touch with their yoruba roots and the yoruba customs and practices:

Also look at the search results for yoruba cuba. cuba

I used to live in miami, so I know first hand that many cubans practice yoruba customs/santeria. We obviously know that they are practicing hamite customs, but my point is just because cubans practice these yoruba customs does not make them yoruba!

They were just living as gentiles amongst the yoruba people in africa. Thats why when the time came, the israelites claiming yoruba tribe went into slavery via ships. The real yoruba hamites remained in africa.

Cubans still practice yoruba customs today because thats the tradition they carried when they were living as gentiles in yoruba territory.

The same exact thing applies to the igbo tribe. You cant have it both ways.
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Also you claim the yoruba tribe are not israelites yet many slaves are documented as coming from the yoruba tribe. Many afro cubans descend from yoruba ppl and still practice yoruba customs. we know afro cubans are israelites, but since they practicing yoruba customs does that also make yoruba people IN AFRICA israelites? See my point? Your a hypocrite. You try to bend things to fit your Igbo tribe. IF you dont consider the yoruba tribe israelite then you CAN NOT consider the Igbo to be israelite.

Lets examine the facts:
Assata Shakur lives in cuba. She talks about cubans in touch with their yoruba roots and the yoruba customs and practices:

Also look at the search results for yoruba cuba. cuba

I used to live in miami, so I know first hand that many cubans practice santeria. We obviously know that they are practicing hamite customs, but my point is just because cubans practice these yoruba customs does not make them yoruba! They were just gentiles amongst the yoruba people in africa Thats why when the time came, they went into slavery in ships.

:pachaha: I never said that. I said that some people that call themselves Yorubas are Israelites. The Yorubas controlled the Oyo Empire which was a major slave trading empire, well documented too. Much of the current Yoruba territory was possessed during the expansion of their empire. So, you had people that were enslaved as well under them and today answer Yoruba names and speak Yoruba.

The Israelites that were traded from the Oyo Empire kept Yoruba customs that is why some of those customs and Gods were found among the people that were taken to places like Cuba.

By saying that the true blood Yoruba that ruled in the Oyo Empire were somehow are making the Most High a liar when it was prophesied that the Canaanites would deliver the captivity to Edom. You are basically saying the Israelites were trading Israelites for 300 years to the Americas. That would mean you would have to call the Most High a liar.

Amos 1
9 Thus saith the Lord; For three transgressions of Tyrus, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they delivered up the whole captivity to Edom, and remembered not the brotherly covenant:

Tyrus is another way of saying Tyre which is the main city of the sons of Canaan. The Most High uses your ancient names and cities as similitude for the people throughout the scriptures even if they no longer live in their original land.

So, within their empire, the Oyo Empire they kept some of the Israelites as slaves or as subjects. The Yoruba language dominated southwest Nigeria, Benin and parts of Togo as a commercial trading language because of this. That is why why today you have a good chunk of people that call themselves Yoruba and speak the language even though their line may go back to the Israelites that lived in that region.

Rulers of the Oyo Empire cannot be Israelites based on the prophecies. Just because you are keeping the custom of another people, does not make you those people. In addition, there are no documents from the slave trade era that has Yorubas on ships.

Here is a big time Yoruba pastor in Nigeria that refers to his church site as Canaanland. Their elite know that they are Canaanites.

Oyedepo's headquarters, "Canaanland", is a 10,500-acre (4250-hectare) campus in Ota, outside the commercial capital Lagos. It comprises a university, two halls of accommodation, restaurants and a church seating 50,000 people, with a total overflow capacity of five times that.

So, like I said Israelites were known for worshiping and calling upon Canaanite gods going back to the ancient world. It is not that hard to figure out why you see people that practice Vodun in Haiti or worship Oshun in Cuba among our people. They just continued calling on those same Gods that led to our downfall to begin with.

So that is the explanation on how some people that call themselves Yorubas can be Israelites. You have our people that are still in Europe that call themselves Europeans. You have people that were sold to Persians and Arabia and India that are doing the same thing. We were scattered all over and we are going to call ourselves by the names in the countries where were scattered.

Here is a list of slaves with their names and origin as documented by the shipping companies.

This is many pages long and you will not find one Yoruba listed as a slave. There is a reason for that.

Chez Lopez

Nov 22, 2014
Its people like Chez Lopez and other people who are not even posting in this thread that are reporting the thread because they have no more ammo to battle with. If this thread gets shut down its because it is exposing what is really going on in this world. They will let all kinds of threads run rampant with all manner of foolishness, but here we are discussing a serious topic and all of sudden its the worst thread in the coli.

I will report racism every single time. I absolutely reported you and will continue if the racist edom doctrine continues to be posted.

It is THE FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD, why don't you explain its importance and biblical significance, instead of racist, satanic and divisive false doctrine.