The prophecy in the scriptures was the Israelites would not overcome their oppressors until the Messiah comes back. So how in the hell can you say that the South Africans taking control of their land and government match the prophecies concerning the Israelites. That would mean that they are not in need of a Savior since they were able to do it without Him. That is the definition of making the Most High an author of confusion.
There are many African-Americans that have gone over it themselves when they got into the Truth and did whole videos on it. They actually did research on old documents unlike you. Even government documents, Including old newspaper articles during the slavery period says it too. In the US show that they were a tribe that was brought over heavily to the USA for slavery. There are even whole books written by scholars specially on Igbos being sold into slavery in North America. That would make us Judah according to according to the prophecies, but there are other tribes in Africa that were Judah as well. Levites were in Benin and Togo, where voodoo that Haitians practiced is still found there,its called Vodun.. There was an Igbo kingdom called Nri that fell in the early 17th century and the Benin Empire to the west of it, took a lot of our people and sold them intro slavery to the so -called white man through the Bight of Benin and the Bight of Biafra. The time period coincides with the first bulk of slaves that ended being brought to Jamestown,Virginia in 1619 which all US slave documents and narratives fit the timeline...they called the people Heebos, then later Ibos which is a broken way of saying Ibar means
hebrew. Ibar is the ancient pronunciation but the other tribes called us Ibo because they knew that we were hebrews. They were not confused about who they were trading to Esau.
There are many other tribes that are documented to have been sold into slavery which I went over in many other threads. The Mandika (Mande), Ewe, Fon, Nago, Ibibio, etc. You are just upset because you are being rebuked.