Chez Lopez
A working knowledge of Hebrew is evidently needed to understand the bible.
Esau and Jacob were 2 different nations. Didn't the bible clearly say Rebecca was pregnant with 2 different nations? It doesn't matter if they were twin brothers. The bible clearly specifies that. Esau is the nations bearing the eagle symbol. Judah/benjamin/levi is blacks that went into captivity on slave ships, the northern kingdom (BLACK) fled to the Americas BEFORE the "native indians" (people of asian decent).you are wrong. there is no need to further examine this issue. you will need to go to the previous page to examine the word 'Red' in Hebrew. Adam is the word red or man. Ruddy is the word Admoniy, which means dark or ruddy brown. they are the same Hebrew root, which is the difference between red and reddish. Jacob and esau were twins, also all the white ppl come from the line of Yapeth, ,not the line of shem. both esau nad Jacob were black shemites from north africa/caana
To the ones thats saying the Native Americans aren't black. You gotta remember Jacob got 4 different women pregnant. So not all the tribes are going to look alike because the nations have different mothers. Yall looking at the Israelites like Jacob slept with one lady and all the children suppose to look the same lol
but all black people dont look the same lol. Look at things like bone structure in different regions... different black people have different features. If the 12 tribes sign is correct then how can a black negroid columbian come from the same tribe as a indio columbian? How does that make sense? How can a white cuban, be the same as a black cuban? They need to specify that its black people in those countries, just like how they specify negro in americas.
But the nothern kingdom said "let's make a covenent with the heathen" thats 10 tribes leaving the other 2 and going off into paganism and marrying/given there kids into marriage with the heathen/white people. That's why you see so many damn light skinned indians but their natural skin color was a dark brown/red. Out here in Texas there are plenty of folks that say I can pass for a dark Mexican. So you are looking at the Mexicans that intermarried with the spaniards. Their descendants was just as black as us.
How can a white cuban, be the same as a black cuban? .
In 1511, Diego Velazquez set out with three ships and an army of 300 men from Hispaniola to form the first Spanish settlement in Cuba, with orders from Spain to conquer the island. The settlement was at Baracoa, but the new settlers were to be greeted with stiff resistance from the local Taíno population. The Taínos were initially organized by cacique (chieftain) Hatuey, who had himself relocated from Hispaniola to escape the brutalities of Spanish rule on that island. After a prolonged guerrilla campaign, Hatuey and successive chieftains were captured and burnt alive, and within three years the Spanish had gained control of the island. In 1514, a settlement was founded in what was to become Havana.
Picture of Diego Velazquez
So those white/light skinned Cubans are Spaniards. In the 19th Centry the British migrated into Cuba as well. So the darker Cubans are Israelites , the light skinned Cubans are Spaniards or some other type of European.
Despite its multi-ethnic composition, the culture held in common by most Cubans is referred to as mainstreamCuban culture, a Western culture largely derived from the traditions of Western European migrants, beginning with the early Spanish settlers, along with other Europeans arriving later such as the Portuguese and French, along with West African culture which is somewhat influential despite the fact that most minority Afro-Cubans are of Haitian origin.
Look at these pics of Cubans. Some are clearly European, Some clearly are Israelites.
I see what your saying. but black people in the americas also range from very light to very dark. They STILL retain negro features. Also the southern kingdom also followed heathen customs as well, and thats why they were cursed the same way. Do you believe that 12 tribe sign is accurate? If so how can a indio "native indian" come from the SAME tribe as a black negro ln south america?
Your telling me that this people:
are from the same tribe of "ashar" as these people:
I understand that. my point is that the sign doesn't distinguish that. The same way the sign doesn't distinguish native indians from blacks in those regions. My point is the same way a white cuban can't be a israelite, the same way a hispanic/native indian cant be an israelite. These heathens are not our people. The bible mentions these people as always dwelling amongst tho.
Enslaved Africans first began being imported into Colombia by the Spaniards in the first decade of the 16th century. By the 1520s, Africans were being imported into Colombia steadily to replace the rapidly declining native American population.
Slavery was not abolished until 1851, and even after emancipation, the life of the African Colombians was very difficult. African Colombians were forced to live in jungle areas as a mechanism of self-protection. There, they learned to have a harmonious relationship with the jungle environment and to share the territory with Colombia's indigenous.
^^^^ Again prophecy being fulfilled that the N Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom will reunite in the Americas. When the blacks feed from Spaniards to the jungle the was living in harmony with our Northern Kingdom brother. But according to you they was oppressing us and stole our heritage.
From 1851, the Colombian State promoted the ideology of mestizaje, or miscegenation. This whitening of the African population was an attempt by the Colombian government to minimize or, if possible, totally eliminate any traces of Black African or indigenous descent among the Criollos. So in order to maintain their cultural traditions, many Africans and indigenous peoples went deep into the isolated jungles. Afro-Colombians and indigenous people were, and continue to be, the targets of the armed actors who want to displace them in order to take their lands for sugar cane plantations, for coffee and banana plantations, for mining and wood exploitation.
I have seen two different signs regarding 12 tribes breakdown and one of them was clearly wrong. I think you are looking at that incorrect sign.
That doesn't really answer the question. That could mean Black Colombians fresh off the slave boats could have reunited with black columbians (non indian descent) already living there (meaning they sailed there before the indians and whites).
Also do you mind showing me the "correct" sign? What does the "correct" sign say? Which tribe is the negroid colombians and which tribe is the indio colombians??? Does it say that they are the same tribe? If so that obviously can't be correct.
Also any conquered people have to take the last names of their oppressors...aborigines took the last names of the british, yet you don't consider them israelites. Also what about south african tribes wearing fringes? Indians eating roti? What about natives women having long hair and not fitting the hair curse for israelite women?