The Official "Better Call Saul" Season 6 Thread (Final Season)


Staff member
May 1, 2012
I didn't mind the magnets too much. The show kind of takes place in a heightened reality. I think I read that somewhere. It's obviously not meant to be on a super hero level of reality, but there are elements that border on supernatural, and it's kind of accepted. The twins and Lalo for example have borderline supernatural abilities at times.

I think @hex pointed out that Walt's "plot armor" was written out to be a very overt and in your face part of the show. A lot of shows try to conceal that stuff, but BrBa threw it in everyone's face.
This is why I just shake my head when miss this when trying to shade BB's realism.

Everything that happens in the BB and BCS universe makes sense relative to the world and story that they have created. Other shows are not written as well and just do ridiculous shyt without the level of detail of BB/BCS.

It's clear as day when you see it too

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
i never thought anybody would top gale as not deserving to get popped

Naw she knowingly dated a guy who admitted to trying to sell drugs to her support group, she knew what time it was
:manny:it still fukk up how she got done in she was just dating him she was not cooking the meth with him .

Andrea was waaaaaay less deserving to get killed than Gale. Gale was a meth cook. And a libertarian.

How y'all forget Hank and Gomie though, they didn't deserve all that. :mjcry:

If you wanna go to minor characters, most undeserved death might go to...



Staff member
May 1, 2012
I agree it's Breaking Bad cosplay. And also the writers were doing surprise deaths before Ozark. But I still say that death had that Ozark feel. Maybe it's because I was immersed in that Ozark world recently.
Ozark's deaths were primarily for shock and knee jerk reactions. Most of them weakened the story that they could tell and put them into holes that they had to go suspend belief even more to write out of.

With BCS we already know that the writers are going put a good amount of detail and weight around what happens to Howard's body because that's what we expect from these creators...

I mentioned it in the Ozark thread, but Ozark isn't seeing either BB or BCS quality wise.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The thing which I predict when we return after the break that Mike's watching their house as well. That conversation Mike had with Kim is essential information that we need to remember.

That said I dunno why Lalo went to see Jimmy, Maybe to explain Nacho's relationship. Jimmy doesn't know Gus or anything on that end. Whatever it is, I think Mike is going to interrupt everything and Lalo is going to escape from there. This would lead as to why to the times of Breaking Bad, Saul is going to still think Lalo is still alive and is paranoid over the fact because he's unaware of Lalo's fate. I DO predict also that this will prompt Kim to disappear and create a new identity due to the threat of Lalo.

No way Lalo is alive in the Breaking Bad events and just lets all that shyt happen to Hector and his methhead nephew. Plus I'm pretty sure Gus tells Hector that he's the last Salamanca.

Yup. I wonder if he knew that Mike was watching Kim & Jimmy, too. I don't see how he'd know. Anyway, what did he say that caused Hector to go bananas with the bell? "I'm going back to Plan A. He get's a surprise tonight. Uncle… No, Eladio won't be happy. but this is the way." So, before, when he spoke to Hector after the attack on his compound, did he talk about a Plan A? Was Hector upset simply because he didn't want Lalo to get killed, which he figured he would going up against all of Gus's men?

Because Lalo only has so many connections. Jimmy was the lawyer who got him out and the guy who got the money from the desert. And Lalo knows shyt went down in the desert that Jimmy wasn't telling him about. So Lalo suspects Jimmy knows more than he's let on AND knows that Jimmy has enough connections to him to make his place a spot to watch.

I think Hector was upset because he wants Lalo to rise to be at the head of the cartel and he knows this will destroy him. And methhead ain't going anywhere in the organization.

Kim did try to get Howard to go several times.

This is where Lalo's disarming appearance was Howard's doom. If Tuco or the Twins or Hector walks into that room, you get the fukk out. Lalo walks in and you wait and see what this fellow is up to.

Also right before howard got murked he was probably thinking

“Wow saul hired someone to kill me” …in howards mind saul was always steps ahead and planning shyt

Nah, he could see how fukking terrified Kim and Jimmy were.

That candle blowing was so ominous. It felt like something out of Game of Thrones.
The execution of this show :whew:. When you see the candle flickering and know something bad is about to happen. Thinking that the blow-off from screwing Howard over will the closing point for this part of the season, only for Lalo to show up :damn:.

More than "something bad". Lalo's M.O. is crawling through windows and openings. The moment that candle flickered you knew there was a draft, meaning a window had opened, meaning Lalo was in the cut. Second flicker was Lalo opening the door of the room where the window was open.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Kim is definitely going to order the vacuum deal. I think that's going to be the deal for her safety, to where not even Jimmy knows where she's at. Jimmy then is going to be full-time Saul thereafter with the lingering assumption that Lalo will come back for him. So, whatever information they give Lalo or down the line, they know it's bullshyt that'll be given and it'll leave with them paranoid. I think it'll be the latter where Mike use it to set up Lalo and Lalo learns about it and attempt to retaliate but Mike be one step ahead this time.

I just don't see it because it's not Kim. What kind of life would Kim have on the run? She might as well go to jail, serve her time, and grind to start over. She's not a cockroach like Jimmy, she can't hide under the fridge her entire life.

If they go the suicide route then they’d have to keep Lalo’s gun who likely ain’t giving it up. Plus there are likely bodies on his gun so that could open a whole other can of worms. Plus if the police get to digging around it could lead to their plan of bringing down Howard comes to light which brings the suicide story into question.

Great explanation.

Howie didn't deserve that goddamn. fukk kimmy and jimmy

Now his bytch wife gets to eat from him and his pop's empire. GMB takes no losses.

Great performances all around.

Other than the fact she and Howard were having issues, what made her a bytch?

Finally something interesting happened this season. It only took the final episode :unimpressed:

Breh Nacho was just 3 episodes ago. :comeon:


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
Gawd dam!! :wow:

The only thing that weakens the suspense a bit is the fact this is a prelude so we already know saul Mike and gus make it out alive. If that wasn't the case the anticipation for the inevitable war that is coming would be on a hundred trillion

I'm scared Kim is going to get killed.

I wonder if this murder on Howard is really what puts Jimmy on the run and not what took place with Walt and Jesse.