As far as the episode, if this was a new show that would be anfinale but being that we know what he becomes, it was great. He's officially Saul now....the show is about Saul's birth basically....not sure what there is to complain about.
Oh and he's still wearing the ring in his first appearance in "Breaking Bad":
hex was this the song that played before Jimmy reconnected with Marco?
I ask because it reminded me of this which sampled it
He coulda hooked him up a little. Yea I know there comes a time to ditch losers (like what Jimmy did), but Jimmy was trying to get his life right. Coulda made him a paralegal for a year or two. But to chuck (He was already suspicious because of the medical bills he brought, the boom in money, and the billboard stunt.
Would you want someone who's willing to take the shortcut of the billboard stunt with the risks that come with it in your firm?
That's hustling backwards though. I guarantee he's made more than $2 mill total over the course of his career as Saul. After Gus died he was making $54,000 off every cook Walt and Jesse did. He charged Walt and Jesse $50,000 in season 2 to clear Badger, and was making 5% off every time Gus paid Walt.
That's what we know about. Then there's all his other clients. Now if he wanted to retire that's a different story but judging by this episode he's addicted to the fukkery just as much if not moreso than the money.
Okay, am I the only one who thinks he didn't get the job with the new firm for that case? That's why he comes out bytching to Mike about the Kettleman's 1.6 mil?
Also, good to see him and Hamlin squash it.
Watch Marcos actually be dead this time because of that coughing
Nevermind, dude probably really dead with all that coughing