It wasn't like him on his intentionally. And if he put Hank on him, this proves my point below.
That's irrelevant, it was his fault Hank was onto to Gus. Hell, it's even worse that it wasn't intentional because he caused an insane amount of problems just by drunkenly rambling.
Why not? After Gale learned the recipe he had no use of someone like Walt. Plus, in one of the episodes, Gus suggests that he will kill Walt. Why risk your organization for someone like Walt?
If the drive was to get Gale to learn the recipe and kill/replace Walt then Gus wouldn't have let Jesse replace him in the first place. The need to replace Walt came
after Walt/Jesse started wilding out....that's when Gus went to Gale's apartment and asked him if he could replace Walt. Prior to that there was no mention of killing Walt....not sure what you're talking about there.
The fact that Mike was going to kill Walt only proves my point that Gus planned on killing him. As I said, he had no use of Walt and he had no other choice but to have Walt. They knew they could control Jesse, whereas they couldn't control Walt. Walt may have been parnoid, but he obviously had a right to be.
Breh, Mike was going to kill Walt because Walt killed the two goons. That is in no way related to them potentially killing Walt anyway.
There was never a scene with Mike/Gus discussing turning Jesse. Mike approached Gus concerned that Jesse was spiraling out of control, and would draw attention to their organization. Gus came up with the plan in "Shotgun", which gave Jesse a sense of self-pupose.
Now, you could argue they did that to lay the foundation for the Walt vs Jesse confrontation....but again, if you look at the season completely neutral, as Gus being

about Walt at that point, because he was stuck with him....Walt was acting like a lunatic and gave them every reason to get rid of him, anyway.
Not saying that interpretation is right, or you're wrong....but it could go either way really.