You killed me 10 times i killed you 7 times. I out killed you 2 out of 3 games meaning you vs me, you lost 2 out of 3 games. You can have your little win, where we were outnumbered, that was my warmup game. I dont even see my body in any of that footage because you were so far away scared for your life blind firing at nikkas.
But wait till i put up that footage of me catchin you hiding behind that dark staircase crouched in dirty water and trash. Oscar the Grouch ass nikka. Theres camping and then theres setting up real estate. I foreclosed on that property and evicted you from life. Stay tuned for the footage.

Everyone here plays with me friend, they know my play style does not involve camping.
Only time I'm chilling is because I'm regaining health/ getting ammo etc.
I'm noticing a pattern here though. I take your dog tags..... "Those were my warm up dog tags

I didn't even pull out the Mtar I only save that for A+ players

When that thing comes out it gets VERY demonic in those Battlefield streets.

Practice in team deathmatch breh, get your weight up, do some push ups, I'll be here when you're ready.