Saw it today and fell asleep near the end, I never fall asleep in theatersit was aight I didn't feel invested in the story. Lex was my favorite part of the film.
Thought he was the worst part of the film too cartoony for the tone they were setting
Saw it today and fell asleep near the end, I never fall asleep in theatersit was aight I didn't feel invested in the story. Lex was my favorite part of the film.
If they called him the Riddler or the Joker would you feel the same way?Thought he was the worst part of the film too cartoony for the tone they were setting
so Batman is killing people now?
has this been discussed in this thread?
i'd like to hear what people have to say about it.
Saw it last night. I'm not a snobby movie critic and even I thought this was mediocre at best. I'd rate it a 6/10. The first 40 minutes are borderline terrible, especially the pacing. Too many dream sequences too. The Flash scene coming back from the future = extremely fukking corny. Holy shyt I can't believe they thought that scene was a good idea :dempsee:. Idk...I've got a lot of gripes with the movie which I guess is shocking considering most would say that if you loved MoS, then you'd love this. Well, I LOVED MoS, but this shyt is some
Maybe I need to see it again. Perhaps sometime this week...
I feel the same way. I loved Man of Steel but this just mostly fell flat. It was like watching somebody do the same magic trick twice and the second time you know how they did it.
This movie is made in the same mold as Man of Steel but they doesn't really work a second time around. Excessively long set up sequence for the first 2/3rds of the movie then the last 1/3 is a epic city destroying fight sequence.
Only review in this thread thats not biased rambling nonsense.Watched this last night...
I went to the theater with lowered expectations due to the horrible reviews...I've seen plenty of 30% rotten movies and this was definitely not that kind of movie...After watching the movie these awful reviews are baffling...Putting this film in the same class as Green Lantern and Batman and Robin is being criminally dishonest to the point one has to wonder if there is an agenda against this film...
Is BVS perfect? far from it...It dragged at certain points, was poorly edited and certain things like mad max batman and a giant alien space ship in central park made no fukking sense...That said this was a good enjoyable superhero movie with outstanding acting performances and intense CGI action scenes...Batflec, Gadot and Cavill were great...Even Eisenberg did a superb job, yea I said it...Dude was a convincing psychopathic villain, the problem with Eisenberg is they called him Lex Luthor...The kids got crazy acting ability with a lot of range and he showed it off big time in this movie...It's a shame they wasted that ability casting him for a roll that simply does not fit him...Would have made a great Riddler IMO but Lex Luthor he simply is not...
Anyways if I had to rate this film on a scale 1-10
Yeah they got batman shooting aks and shyt Batman is killing people now?
has this been discussed in this thread?
i'd like to hear what people have to say about it.
If they called him the Riddler or the Joker would you feel the same way?
I thought dude did a good job playing the psychopathic villain...
It's the roll he was casted for that's the problem because he doesn't fit the character they wanted him to portray....
Yeah they got batman shooting aks and shyt smfh.
We watching a universe where Superman is cool with not saving folks in so idgaf. The audience accepted it Batman is killing people now?
has this been discussed in this thread?
i'd like to hear what people have to say about it.
The knightmare sequence made sense bruh. There's a very good explanation that someone posted in here. I'll try to find it. It was supposed to be sudden. Flash even says "Am I too early"Watched this last night...
I went to the theater with lowered expectations due to the horrible reviews...I've seen plenty of 30% rotten movies and this was definitely not that kind of movie...After watching the movie these awful reviews are baffling...Putting this film in the same class as Green Lantern and Batman and Robin is being criminally dishonest to the point one has to wonder if there is an agenda against this film...
Is BVS perfect? far from it...It dragged at certain points, was poorly edited and certain things like mad max batman and a giant alien space ship in central park made no fukking sense...That said this was a good enjoyable superhero movie with outstanding acting performances and intense CGI action scenes...Batflec, Gadot and Cavill were great...Even Eisenberg did a superb job, yea I said it...Dude was a convincing psychopathic villain, the problem with Eisenberg is they called him Lex Luthor...The kids got crazy acting ability with a lot of range and he showed it off big time in this movie...It's a shame they wasted that ability casting him for a roll that simply does not fit him...Would have made a great Riddler IMO but Lex Luthor he simply is not...
Anyways if I had to rate this film on a scale 1-10