Ok brehs I'm officially not paying to see this movie.
I'm riding home from work listening to ESPN sports radio and the host on a sports talk show is ripping this. 29% is 29%. That many people can't be wrong. But I was going to see it tomorrow anyway. Then it hit me.
When it comes to villians DC shyts all over Marvel. (Ras, Bane, Joker, Zod). It's not even close.
The problem I have is the heros have been so fukking weak and should easily lose to the villain but because the hero has to win the writers basically make sure the hero wins due to plot convience to the point that it's insulting. The writers consistently insult my intelligence and logic.
Which brings me to this movie. For one Zod shouldn't have been killed in the first fukking place. Then you expect me to believe humans can perfect alien technology in less than 2 fukking years

even humans in those transformers movies didn't start doing it until the forth damn movie (even though they wrote some bullshyt about transformer technology inventing all modern human tech

This movie was rushed and thrown together. They expect people to pay for symbols, explosions, name recognition, costumes and CGI). They ain't learn nothing from their past mistakes. I didn't see the last transformers movie, I never went to see the last James Bond flick and I'm not paying to see this bullshyt movie.
Big up on this thread for putting me over the 27,000 dap plateau thou