The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
You bout to be the only one then:skip:
And again I believe I will like the movie BUT where there is smoke there is fire, I doubt that all the critics that panned that movie did so out of allegiance to the Marvel fun brand they have gone accustomed to, and their dislike for Snyder. There must be something in that movie that rubbed them off the wrong way.
the only reviews i saw were the collider and chris stuckman ones. their gripes seemed legit, not anger over dark tone yadda yadda. looks like it was visually great but shyt story/pacing/dialogue wise, which many of us could have guessed beforehand

edit: also seems like it was two movies, the first half a slow burn and the second half a mishmash of action shyt (that was still well done)
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
Bruce Wayne being "depressed and angry" is his THING breh. That's essentially who he is. A depressed and angry man suffering from PTSD who has the resources and money to train himself into a nightly creature of terror. That's realistic to his CHARACTER.

I'll give you everything else though. Marvel has MASTERED giving thier heroes a sense of swagger and charm that was missing In MOS, and is evidently missing in Dawn Of Justice.

I think what ultimately may hurt the DCCU isn't the "darkness" (which is a stupid thing for critics to be bytching about) but rushing into Justice League. Ben Affleck apparently is great as Bruce Wayne/Batman but people are complaining that his shine in the film circumvents and undercuts Cavil as Superman. They shouldve either done Man Of Steel 2 or went ahead and done the solo Batman flick with Affleck starring and directing, and THEN done batman Vs Superman. With both batman and superman introduced it would've allowed B Vs. S to actually BE the "Dawn Of Justice" and maybe Wonder Woman, Flash, and Cyborg could've United to talk some sense into them near the end and form Justice League.
you make a valid point.
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
the only reviews i saw were the collider and chris stuckman ones. their gripes seemed legit, not anger over dark tone yadda yadda. looks like it was visually great but shyt story/pacing/dialogue wise, which many of us could have guessed beforehand
I ain't gone flex, I been talking shyt for 2 years and these nikkass do this to me. :scust:

I might fight Snyder and them critics if I see them nikkas on the street.:francis:
Sep 12, 2013
The only way the DC train is stopping is money. If they see a huge drop off next week then everybody is getting bodied at WB. They'll probably get Ben to direct Batman this year and delay the JL movie until 2018 while they figure out the behind the scenes stuff like replacing Snyder

trump running WB

"we need to make superman great again. i'm banning all scripts and putting a halt on all projects involving the justice league until the higher ups can sort this out. we don't win anymore. we lose to marvel, we lose to disney, we lose in merchandise, we lose on television. we have no franchises... we have the best characters and the best people why don't we have any franchises. marvel's leaders and filmmakers are smarter than ours, our filmmakers are stupid. little terrio and simple zack can't make this company great again. check rotten tomatoes they are polling below 40 percent. a huge disaster."
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Jun 10, 2012
Nolan did that before the Marvel connected universe took off. By the time TDKR came out the comic book movie landscape and standard was already changing breh.


If that were true why didn't Nolan's Batman movies set the tone for comic movies to be dark? :jbhmm:

The truth is Marvel hit the people with consistent piff with multiple characters while DC can only rely on Batman. They couldn't flood the streets with product and feed the people who were fiending for super heroes on the big screen. Marvel studios raised the bar and told Hollywood the price of the brick going up. DC can't afford the re-up and getting ran off them corners. The king stay the king:wow:

The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
I can't believe Supes died :mjcry:

Batman is trying to track down a smuggler named the white polish. He uses the most brutal tactics we've ever seen to get the info he needs. After some ace detective work he finds out Lex is working with the White Polish.

He uses the guise of Bruce Wayne to gain access to a party and hack into Luthor ' s main frame to gain more Intel using a USB type drive to auto copy all info once it's connected to the server. This process takes 7 min so he leaves and and goes back up to the party. This is the scene where Bruce and Clark first meet that was shown in the trailers. (While this is all going on Clark can hear alfred communicating with Bruce in an ear piece and figures out he is Batman.)

After the 7 minutes are up Bruce goes to retrieve his device only to find it missing and Wonder Woman (who is unnamed at this point) fleeing from the party. He tries to catch her but can't.

During all this Superman has caused some ruckus in what I assume to be the middle east when he rescues Lois from terrorists. The Senate forms a committee to investigate his actions and how to proceed. Lex is making back room deals with the government to gain access to a large chunk of krytonite and Zods body to figure out a "deterrent for superman. But the female Senator that we see in the trailers is refusing to approve of him bringing a large chunk of Krytonite into the country.

After tracking down wonderwoman a while later Wayne gets his flash drive back and she tells him she couldn't crack the encryption. Bruce takes it decrypts it and finds files lex has on several metas. His file on WW contains a picture for the early 1900s of her at war. There is also a file for flash, aquaman, and cyborg.

He also discovers that the white polish is a cargo ship of Lex's and it's carrying krytonite. He tries to steal it but Superman foils his attempt and tells him that the Bat is dead and he should stop all operation in Gotham. This would be his last warning.

Now superman goes to a hearing with the Senate committee. A man that lost his legs in the battle in Man of Steel had came out against superman and was there also to testify in front of the female Senator. (He also was working for Lex.) He detonates a suicide bomb and kills everyone in attendance except Superman. This prompts batman to go to Lexcorp and steal the rock. (He had placed a tracker on the truck carrying it before superman intervined.)

Batman steals it. Lex kidnaps Supermans earth mom and demands he kill batman with in an hour or she will be killed. (During this time batman made a krytonite spear and was preparing to fight superman.) Superman flies to Gotham to ask for Batman's help but Batman is not in a talking mood. Uses krytonite gas to weaken superman and begins to beat the shyt out of him. It's amazing. Then Lois steps in to tell Batman what's going on as he is about to stab Superman with the spear. He goes to rescue Martha Kent as superman tracks Luthor down.

When Superman gets to Luthor this begins the Doomsday reveal and fight. Superman Wonderwoman and Bats battle it out with doomsday and realize the need the spear to beat him. Visually this fight is incredible. Superman gets the spear and stabs Doomsday in the heart but as he does this he is weakened by the krytonite and doomsday stabs him with a spike and they both die.

At the funeral for Clark Batman and Wonderwoman discuss a need to find more metas. Batman says he knows a fight is coming and it shows him interrogate lex in his cell. The last shot is of dirt being thrown on Clarks casket and just before it fades to black the dirt raises.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
you make a valid point.


This is how I see it

-You do Man Of Steel

-Then you do Batman Solo, announce the "shared universe" thing. Announce Ben Affleck will Star and Direct. Affleck right now is enjoying his second childhood of critical success, almost anything with his name on it as writer/director is going to get you a certain amount of prestige and buzz. This will help to distance away slightly from Snyder detractors, and also assure fans that a "serious" filmmaker will be taking Nolan's reigns. Have the Batman solo take place roughly at the same time as Man Of Steel did, you can either end the movie with Bruce amongst the wreckage looking up at Superman fighting Zod, or if you want to avoid cliffhangers, end the movie and then have the post credit scenes showing the wreckage and battle from Bruce's perspective. BOOM now you have the perfect set up for Batman Vs Superman

-You do Batman Vs Superman. Now that you have a standalone Superman film under your belt as well as a Solo Batman, you can now bring Snyder back in to an ESTABLISHED UNIVERSE. We don't need to see Bruce's origins, so that time can be spent on establishing Lex Luthor and his motivations to destroy Superman (keep Luther as someone who thinks that Superman represents the end of human achievement, someone determined to use his intellect against Superman's brawn to prove the superiority of Man) Also keep the focus on Superman's emotional turmoil over his place as the world's hero. Show Wonder Woman popping up to investigate the rise of meta-humans, introducing Aquaman, Cyborg, and Flash; her arc in the film, rather than as a glorified cameo as critics have claimed, will be as the third pillar that ultimately connects Bats and Supes with the rest of the Super Friends, you can even have Lois helping her which would give her something to do. They all unite in the end to stop Bats and Supes from killing each other and they all fight off Doomsday.

- Print Money


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
I can't believe Supes died :mjcry:

Batman is trying to track down a smuggler named the white polish. He uses the most brutal tactics we've ever seen to get the info he needs. After some ace detective work he finds out Lex is working with the White Polish.

He uses the guise of Bruce Wayne to gain access to a party and hack into Luthor ' s main frame to gain more Intel using a USB type drive to auto copy all info once it's connected to the server. This process takes 7 min so he leaves and and goes back up to the party. This is the scene where Bruce and Clark first meet that was shown in the trailers. (While this is all going on Clark can hear alfred communicating with Bruce in an ear piece and figures out he is Batman.)

After the 7 minutes are up Bruce goes to retrieve his device only to find it missing and Wonder Woman (who is unnamed at this point) fleeing from the party. He tries to catch her but can't.

During all this Superman has caused some ruckus in what I assume to be the middle east when he rescues Lois from terrorists. The Senate forms a committee to investigate his actions and how to proceed. Lex is making back room deals with the government to gain access to a large chunk of krytonite and Zods body to figure out a "deterrent for superman. But the female Senator that we see in the trailers is refusing to approve of him bringing a large chunk of Krytonite into the country.

After tracking down wonderwoman a while later Wayne gets his flash drive back and she tells him she couldn't crack the encryption. Bruce takes it decrypts it and finds files lex has on several metas. His file on WW contains a picture for the early 1900s of her at war. There is also a file for flash, aquaman, and cyborg.

He also discovers that the white polish is a cargo ship of Lex's and it's carrying krytonite. He tries to steal it but Superman foils his attempt and tells him that the Bat is dead and he should stop all operation in Gotham. This would be his last warning.

Now superman goes to a hearing with the Senate committee. A man that lost his legs in the battle in Man of Steel had came out against superman and was there also to testify in front of the female Senator. (He also was working for Lex.) He detonates a suicide bomb and kills everyone in attendance except Superman. This prompts batman to go to Lexcorp and steal the rock. (He had placed a tracker on the truck carrying it before superman intervined.)

Batman steals it. Lex kidnaps Supermans earth mom and demands he kill batman with in an hour or she will be killed. (During this time batman made a krytonite spear and was preparing to fight superman.) Superman flies to Gotham to ask for Batman's help but Batman is not in a talking mood. Uses krytonite gas to weaken superman and begins to beat the shyt out of him. It's amazing. Then Lois steps in to tell Batman what's going on as he is about to stab Superman with the spear. He goes to rescue Martha Kent as superman tracks Luthor down.

When Superman gets to Luthor this begins the Doomsday reveal and fight. Superman Wonderwoman and Bats battle it out with doomsday and realize the need the spear to beat him. Visually this fight is incredible. Superman gets the spear and stabs Doomsday in the heart but as he does this he is weakened by the krytonite and doomsday stabs him with a spike and they both die.

At the funeral for Clark Batman and Wonderwoman discuss a need to find more metas. Batman says he knows a fight is coming and it shows him interrogate lex in his cell. The last shot is of dirt being thrown on Clarks casket and just before it fades to black the dirt raises.

Negged. Whether you're :duck: or spoiling, its wack.
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
:what: Every bad and good review for this movie has said that Affleck is one of the best things about this film.

That's nice

My point is.. Don't care so much

It's just a fukkin movie.

If it turns out good.. Then great you saw a good movie

If it turns out to be ass..
Well you weren't expecting much to begin with

I'm only going to the movies see one film the rest of this year and it's Civil War.. And I may change my mind on that

Everything else I'm watching at home because I can

People get way too over hyped for these movies..
... you can't be upset about something you haven't even seen


Lewis Black

May 10, 2012
I can't believe Supes died :mjcry:

Batman is trying to track down a smuggler named the white polish. He uses the most brutal tactics we've ever seen to get the info he needs. After some ace detective work he finds out Lex is working with the White Polish.

He uses the guise of Bruce Wayne to gain access to a party and hack into Luthor ' s main frame to gain more Intel using a USB type drive to auto copy all info once it's connected to the server. This process takes 7 min so he leaves and and goes back up to the party. This is the scene where Bruce and Clark first meet that was shown in the trailers. (While this is all going on Clark can hear alfred communicating with Bruce in an ear piece and figures out he is Batman.)

After the 7 minutes are up Bruce goes to retrieve his device only to find it missing and Wonder Woman (who is unnamed at this point) fleeing from the party. He tries to catch her but can't.

During all this Superman has caused some ruckus in what I assume to be the middle east when he rescues Lois from terrorists. The Senate forms a committee to investigate his actions and how to proceed. Lex is making back room deals with the government to gain access to a large chunk of krytonite and Zods body to figure out a "deterrent for superman. But the female Senator that we see in the trailers is refusing to approve of him bringing a large chunk of Krytonite into the country.

After tracking down wonderwoman a while later Wayne gets his flash drive back and she tells him she couldn't crack the encryption. Bruce takes it decrypts it and finds files lex has on several metas. His file on WW contains a picture for the early 1900s of her at war. There is also a file for flash, aquaman, and cyborg.

He also discovers that the white polish is a cargo ship of Lex's and it's carrying krytonite. He tries to steal it but Superman foils his attempt and tells him that the Bat is dead and he should stop all operation in Gotham. This would be his last warning.

Now superman goes to a hearing with the Senate committee. A man that lost his legs in the battle in Man of Steel had came out against superman and was there also to testify in front of the female Senator. (He also was working for Lex.) He detonates a suicide bomb and kills everyone in attendance except Superman. This prompts batman to go to Lexcorp and steal the rock. (He had placed a tracker on the truck carrying it before superman intervined.)

Batman steals it. Lex kidnaps Supermans earth mom and demands he kill batman with in an hour or she will be killed. (During this time batman made a krytonite spear and was preparing to fight superman.) Superman flies to Gotham to ask for Batman's help but Batman is not in a talking mood. Uses krytonite gas to weaken superman and begins to beat the shyt out of him. It's amazing. Then Lois steps in to tell Batman what's going on as he is about to stab Superman with the spear. He goes to rescue Martha Kent as superman tracks Luthor down.

When Superman gets to Luthor this begins the Doomsday reveal and fight. Superman Wonderwoman and Bats battle it out with doomsday and realize the need the spear to beat him. Visually this fight is incredible. Superman gets the spear and stabs Doomsday in the heart but as he does this he is weakened by the krytonite and doomsday stabs him with a spike and they both die.

At the funeral for Clark Batman and Wonderwoman discuss a need to find more metas. Batman says he knows a fight is coming and it shows him interrogate lex in his cell. The last shot is of dirt being thrown on Clarks casket and just before it fades to black the dirt raises.

You put the spoiler in the spoiler you fool lol


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
That's nice

My point is.. Don't care so much

It's just a fukkin movie.

If it turns out good.. Then great you saw a good movie

If it turns out to be ass..
Well you weren't expecting much to begin with

I'm only going to the movies see one film the rest of this year and it's Civil War.. And I may change my mind on that

Everything else I'm watching at home because I can

People get way too over hyped for these movies..
... you can't be upset about something you haven't even seen


It's something to talk about. You're the only one getting in your feelings. We're just discussing the movie. Nobody on this board is like shaking their fists and crying over it. At least I hope not.


Jun 26, 2012
Breh.. ALL of them though :mjpls:

TDKR got a 87%
300 got a 60% and the sequel got a 42% Watchmen got a 65%

MAYBE.. just maybe Snyder doesn't know how to make good movies (once you strip the visuals away) He hovers around the good/bad line and for whatever reason he had his shot with MOS and got a 56%. He has a track record of trending down once given an opportunity to make a sequel.

How is this have anything to do with my point about MARVEL getting a pass. This isn't about comparing anything... this is why people cannot stand Marvel fanboys because if you say anything about Marvel they're up in defense mode. ALL CRITICS are compromised and have BIAS....

The truth is that Marvel have made some mediocre shyt that if it wasn't because of the BRAND NAME it would of been trashed by these same critics. To honestly believe that ALL CRITICS are without bias or aren't working for some studio is truly exposing your own blind fan boy love yourself.