so a movie being ''fun'' = great... k got it, now i see how all critics work movies..main point ''FUN''
I never said those movies were great, why you nikka putting words in ma mouth?
And yeah FUN is the main part of a film, if you don't have fun/enjoy it what's the damn point? You wanna watch some moody, dark 3 hour drama with your bytch and expect sex after? How many people got laid after watching Spotlight, Boyhood, Lincoln, The Room?

But whenever me and a girl watch Avengers, Guardians, heck any Marvel flick, we're always happy/buzzing/upbeat after and we fukk like rabbits in a cage
So my point is, I watch movies for fun, and BVS was dull as hell, only good thing was action scenes, and even they're disappointing tbh. Not worth a 3 year wait.
Devin Faraci or something put this on Twitter, "
But the movie itself is terrible, poorly made, dumb, and shockingly dull. Doomsday is trash. Lex stinks. The worst modern comic book film." He's not wrong, for a movie featuring Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, it was boring and dull, pacing is all over, Doomsday is shyt, Lex is Joker 2.0 and the whole film left with me a sour taste in my mouth