Clark Kent
New Year, New Me
Where's @Clark_Kent? Writing a puff piece editorial about an alien?![]()
The only thing I wrote was my name on your mother's plump mammaries with my super sperm.
Where's @Clark_Kent? Writing a puff piece editorial about an alien?![]()
Use it well. :kobesmirk:Thanks to the gawd @Sterling Archer for allowing me perfect my s/n by him changing his s/n.![]()
Watching the man of Steel film with commentary.
Movie is underrated.
The level of detail
the dedication![]()
Man of Steel, a movie that was only about Superman, that got mixed reviews and mixed fan reactions, and which is generally considered to have underperformed at the box office. It took $668 million in global receipts, and then — as we’ve seen already — probably $300 million in total home entertainment sales and rentals around the world. Audiences gave it a Cinemascore of “A-”, which is pretty good and which helps account for the healthy home entertainment numbers despite its somewhat misleading reputation as a film rejected by a lot of viewers. The truth is, yes the film had mixed reactions and yes it had some flaws, but also yes it was overall popular with most audiences, and yes it made a healthy amount at the box office and on home entertainment.
How healthy? Well, since fans love comparisons, try this on for size: Man of Steel made more money than any of the solo character Marvel films up to that point, except for Iron Man 3. To date, only three of the entire non-Avengers slate of Marvel films have made more box office than Man of Steel—Iron Man 3,Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Guardians of the Galaxy. The other seven Marvel solo character films all took less than Man of Steel, and that’s despite the advantage of having an entire universe built up and sequels and Avengers coattails. I’m not trash-talking Marvel, as I love Marvel and they clearly are the champs of superhero cinema right now, and they’re success is phenomenal. I’m just saying, for anyone who likes to imagine Man of Steel was just some failure upon which no success could be built, that’s nothing but a fantasy.
A movie with an “A-” audience rating, $668 million in box office, and $300+ million on home entertainment, involving a character whose merchandise was already taking $277 million per year in licensing fees, is a movie that has good prospects for public interest in a sequel
The only thing I wrote was my name on your mother's plump mammaries with my super sperm.![]()
What's wrong with being positive?
World would be so much better when people realize it's not a bad thing to feel good about something. This movie looks fire![]()
I rag on Nolan's fight choreography but this scene played out in the movies you could hear a pin drop.Whole audience had the
when Bruce was getting spanked out
f*ck what you heard MoS was GREAT flick
MoS was an average to poor movie made by people who have zero understanding of the character. I'm not talking about killing Zod and things of that sort. I'm talking about Superman and his motivations. Why is "Superman" even Superman to begin with? He certainly doesn't have to be. There's a nuanced answer for this, but in MoS Superman IS Superman by default in a non-creative, glossed over trope way.
I was as hyped for that movie as I've ever been hyped for anything in my entire life. I had midnight showing tickets, had the Hans Zimmer score on repeat, the whole nine
. That's the film that actually convinced me Zack Snyder is a hack. He has very little to say as a director and he has no insight into the psyche or motivations of characters.
That movie has one singular great scene and it's the flight scene -- with the help of Hans da gawd.
The only thing I wrote was my name on your mother's plump mammaries with my super sperm.![]()
TL: DRMoS was an average to poor movie made by people who have zero understanding of the character. I'm not talking about killing Zod and things of that sort. I'm talking about Superman and his motivations. Why is "Superman" even Superman to begin with? He certainly doesn't have to be. There's a nuanced answer for this, but in MoS Superman IS Superman by default in a non-creative, glossed over trope way.
I was as hyped for that movie as I've ever been hyped for anything in my entire life. I had midnight showing tickets, had the Hans Zimmer score on repeat, the whole nine
. That's the film that actually convinced me Zack Snyder is a hack. He has very little to say as a director and he has no insight into the psyche or motivations of characters.
That movie has one singular great scene and it's the flight scene -- with the help of Hans da gawd.