The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
What was the point of this passive aggressiveness?:dwillhuh: Just bring up how Clark takes the fight into Smallville, for the 100th time, and get it over with.

Hah, he sure does, doesn't he? Takes that fight straight from a bunch of empty cropfields straight into a heavily populated area. Punches Zod straight into an exploding gas station and all. Good ol' Supes! :russ:
Nov 9, 2015
Except that's incredibly lazy and a cop out. When people bring up The Avengers eating shawarma an hour after an alien invasion and the possible nuking of a major U.S city(all of which accounted for civilian casualties), stans rebuttal with how they did a quick shot about the news brining up casualties. That's lazy and Snyder is calling that out. We've grown up watching mass destruction in comic books and animated series get completely glossed over. Now we're about to get a whole movie about it. Superman taking a look around and being like "shyt, breh:whoo:" does not give any real gravitas to what just went down. Real lives were just lost. Real lives have been affected forever. A quick shot of him being taken aback by all the destruction while we go into the next movie and start fukking shyt up again without missing a beat does nothing to address what Snyder said about the actions of super heroes having real consequences. MoS was the cause. Batman vs. Superman is going to be the effect. And about him kissing Lois: people finding romantic comfort right after a disaster is nothing new in life or in movies.

The sad thing is, besides the cats that just didn't want to like the movie, I think MoS made some really lame individuals feel genuinely uncomfortable. I can see kids feeling this way, but a lot of adults don't want their superhero movies to be adult or realistic. They don't want to think about the fact that innocent people die in the hundreds when gods are duking it out. They wanna eat their popcorn while wearing a t-shirt with a superhero logo on it and go "Oh shyt:ooh:" during action scenes. I remember the gripes about Pa Kent. To me he was a trill ass character. He reminded me of Joel from The Last of Us. Joel cared more about Ellie living than he did about the fate of mankind. No parent is putting the good of the world over their kid. That's some idealistic shyt that doesn't fly in the real world. Him telling Clark maybe he should have let that school bus full of kids die was realistic as hell. Mind you, he says "maybe". He's conflicted about the shyt too. He doesn't want his kid to be put in harms way or become some sort of lab experiment for the government (if you've seen Flashpoint Paradox, that is a possibility). Does it sound horrible? Of course it does. But those of you with kids, tell me you wouldn't react the same way. He's raised his kid to be a good person and that's reflected in the fact that he doesn't destroy those kids bullying him and that he saves the school bus, but Pa Kent's first priority is protecting his son. Same with Martha telling Clark he doesn't owe this world a thing in the trailers for the new movie. That's her son way before he's a superhero. shyt like that makes overgrown kids uncomfortable. Let's not make Tony Stark a raging, alcoholic, fukk up. Let's make him a debonair party boy with commitment issues. When The Hulk loses control (Banner's greatest fear), we're not gonna have him actually rip an innocent person in half or punch Black Widow's head into the stratosphere. He'll just scare the shyt out of people before he regains his composure. Why not? Because laughs and dude bro moments are what sell comic book movies, not the real life consequences of unfettered power.



Oct 29, 2012
Hah, he sure does, doesn't he? Takes that fight straight from a bunch of empty cropfields straight into a heavily populated area. Punches Zod straight into an exploding gas station and all. Good ol' Supes! :russ:
If you complain about the destruction in a super hero movie you are an idiot.


Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
I remember mainly from a long time ago when u posted that you chopped it up with Landis about this flick and other shyt.
that's right man, respect..i can't 's 35 yrs old..
my age will show when i said that i went to see it at the theater, i was a kid and my uncle and older brother took my
35 years later and i want to grab a bluray (hopefully 35th anniversary edition)..the film has definitely formed a following til this day.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
Hah, he sure does, doesn't he? Takes that fight straight from a bunch of empty cropfields straight into a heavily populated area. Punches Zod straight into an exploding gas station and all. Good ol' Supes! :russ:
Cool, I tend to just let it slide when you say this cause I think it's a bit nitpicky and don't feel like addressing it. A big part of this movie is Clark not being perfect and not even necessarily being a hero yet. We see him angry in this movie at times; we're not use to that from Superman. The scene you're talking about happens right after he saves Lois from crashing in the pod from space. He hears Zod and his lieutenants interrogating his mom and even putting hands on her and leaves Lois in a cornfield and flies off. He's pissed off and all he cares about is protecting his mother. He's not flying over there to kindly ask Zod to leave his mother alone. He's there to fukk him up and get him away from her. He's angry. He's enraged, and he honestly doesn't care about anything but protecting his mom at that specific point. Just like Pa Kent's feelings about Clark revealing himself, that's a very relatable human emotion/reaction. By the time Zod's lieutenants arrive and start fighting him he's regained his composure and starts telling people to get inside and that it's not safe. Too late obviously, but he realizes the danger he's put them in. In that moment of rage he felt when Zod was hurting his mother, strategy, planning and reason went out of the window. He was straight berserker mode. I think it directly correlates to him letting his dad die earlier in the movie. It's jarring and uncomfortable to those who are so wrapped up in the boy scout they grown up with but it's a very real reaction.

A valid point you could make is how is it smart to leave her there with the other Kryptonians. I'd have no problem saying that's a legit writing oversight. That said, Zod gives the orders, those two don't just do shyt on their own. They follow Zod where he goes. Plus the codex wasn't on the farm so they had no reason to stay. They could have taken Martha hostage, but they valued getting Zod back more.