For the life of me, I will NEVER understand why DC didn't just follow Marvel's lead and build specifically themed and toned movies around their distinct characters, and then have them interact/clash with each other in their big team crossover. It's not rocket science. Every recent version of any superhero team begins and ends with this formula. It might as well be the wheel, for crying out loud.
But as it stands, we apparently have a brand new, angry/intense Batman dealing with the barely established angry/intense Superman, waiting for angry and intense-looking Aquaman and Wonder Woman to show up, presented in a super dour/dark/morose world. WHY?
You definitely get to take yourselves more seriously DC (you always have, and I loved you for it), but that doesn't mean you just make all your characters conflicted, sad b*stards. Batman OWNS that corner, of course, so let your other characters distinguish themselves, let them BE THEMSELVES. Take the time and do the work necessary to establish them as such. It makes for much better and more interesting storytelling. (It's also more movies for you to have made more money off of, by the way.)
Batman and Superman have my favorite relationship in the entire world of fiction. What makes it great is how DIFFERENT they are, inside and out, while being exactly the same in terms of what they fundamentally believe in and their supreme level of commitment to that. Finding this common ground has always been difficult for them, but that's what made them so damn enthralling to me: the true friendship that emerged from an ardent rivalry that emerged from an initial, fearful misunderstanding.
I didn't see any real trace of that potential in the trailer, and it bums me out. It really does.