Just saw it. Loved it.
Sitting back watching all the scattered heroes and avengers separately devise plans to defend the earth against thanos and the whole time I'm thinking
"They have no idea who they're about to face

I was begging for superhero deaths, and the film delivered. I wish there was more blood, but I'm glad I got to see the look of dispair in their faces as half of the population including "earths mightiest heroes" wither away into oblivion. They teased Thanos for so many years, it's about time we see him put in work. A cataclysmic event had to happen in these marvel films. I'm still kinda bumbed that none of the original 4 avengers (Tony, Thor, Cap.America, Hulk) got their skulls caved in and died on screen, but the death of the others will do.
We all know how the 2nd one will end. They'll probably find a way to get the time stone and just rewind time or something to that effect. I also wanna see Captain Marvel put in work.
This might've been the first superhero movie where I was rooting so hard for the villain to absolutely seek, destroy and win. When Thanos saw that sunset.....
When he killed komora....
When he killed Spiderman and he was dying in Tony's arms......
This is what Marvel needed. Who wanted to see another film where the superheroes beat the monster of the week and just beat him and live to see another day? Not I!!