mm mmm!So like..... he is the deal with Hulk and let’s just end the bullshyt and stop the revisionist shyt with it.
It’s not a GREAT OMG scream like a little school girl movie.
But it’s not terrible it’s not bad.
Terrible bad movies are Freddy Got Fingered and Skyline.
Terrible bad comic book movies are Catwoman, F4 reboot, Jonah Hex.
Since Hulk has dropped..... so many other GREAT comic book movies have dropped most have been the other 15 Marvel movies that came after Hulk...... which in my eyes is a great thing and shouldn’t be a knock on Hulk because every after it SHOULD BE BETTER.
If it was, than it’s not showing progression to the genre and they hustling backwards. The bar was just raised after Hulk no diffferent from how it was raised after every other really well done comic book movie

cant co-sign this here.
HULK was wackass flik.
the only thing that film had going for it was Ang Lee doing that cool shyt with the comic pages look.
other than that...