Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
I get your over all point....but cats ain't sat through 18-19, whatever many movies over a decade to see street level characters fight. Because if the base line for the action in the first place is street level vs street level, then there is no escalation.
Yes, we grew up seeing and reading cats like Captain America and even Batman fighting, standing their ground, and many cases DEFEATING countless SUPER HUMAN GOD LIKE foes.
It would be unacceptable having studios do so called “reality” based shyt where now they can’t face or stand toe to toe with them on the big screen just for the sake of “well we trynna keep it real”
If that’s the case then these aliens and monsters shouldn’t know how to speak English or communicate with the hero’s
We got movies with kids saving the world taking down “E.LE. Type villains,” some that a few of us have liked or accepted for what it was, but we can’t accept grown ups?